Chapter 2 Volume 5

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Back in Menagerie
Blake (POV)
We spent all day trying to get information on the whitefang with no such luck. Elias went home as soon as we made it to my house leaving only me, Sun, Mom, and Dad. Dad and Sun were frustrated. We went inside our home.
Ghira- Unbelievable!
Sun- Total garbage!
GS- We can't let them get away with this!
Kali- Well at least you two can finally agree on something.
Blake- Guys. Everything is going to be ok.
I go upstairs and go out to balcony. I'm greeted by one of my home's soilders.
Soilder- Good evening Miss. Can I get you anything?
Blake- Just a little time to myself if that's alright.
Soilder- Sure thing. Just call if you need me.
The soilder leaves and I'm left here by myself.
???- You need better security.
I turn to my left to see Ilia hop onto the railing. I was about you head inside and call security.
Ilia- Please. I just need to talk.
Blake- How could you take the fall for them Ilia?
Ilia- (Sigh) Blake.
Blake- Corsac and Fennec blamed you. We confronted them tonight and they denied knowing anything and everything we found on your scroll they talked about how disappointed to hear that you sided with Adam. But you and I both know they're guilty.
Ilia- You can't prove anything.
Blake- That scroll might have not been enough to lock them up but it's enough to sway the faunas here. When we go public tomorrow, they're not gonna stand for any of it and neither should you.
Ilia takes off her mask and she looks sad.
Ilia- Your plan isn't going to work Blake. Please just leave Menagerie before it's too late.
Blake- You're going to have to make me.
Ilia- I know.
He puts back in her mask and leaps away into the night.
Back in Mistral in the evening
Ruby (POV)
Lionheart- I have to say Qrow this all seems very reckless even for you.
Qrow- No. Reckless is leaving one of the relics completely unguarded. Is not checking in with Oz for ages.
Lionheart- There was nothing to check in about before the fall of beacon but since that day Mistral has been in chaos. Vale wasn't the only kingdom to suffer that night. Everyone was watching. Every house in every kingdom saw that poor girl get ripped to pieces. Saw monsters crawling all over the city. Atlasion knights attacking citizens. And then nothing. You could feel the dread in the air. With all that negativity you could imagine what it was like when the grim came for us. Mistral's controlled territory is the widest reaching in the world you know and that makes it infinitely harder to protect. We lost so many great huntsman. Teachers from this very institution and it's only gotten worse.
Ruby- W-What do you mean?
Lionheart- We may have dealt with the grim but the Mistral council is still at odds with the representatives from Atlas. First it was the dust embargo now it is the closing of borders. I'm not sure what happened to James in Vale but but it seems to have only worsened some of his more unfortunate tendencies. And on top of things we still don't know where the spring maiden is.
Qrow- All the more reason we need the huntsman and huntresses here.
Ruby- Ok! Ok! Things are bad. There bad! But we can figure this out. Why is the spring maiden so important?
Lionheart- (looks at Qrow) Thought you filled them in.
Qrow- Mostly filled in. Look there's a lot to cover ok. I quit teaching for a reason. (Takes out flask and has a drink)
Lionheart- The four maidens each have the power to perform feats of magic. And they are the only ones capable of reaching the relics.
Jaune- What?
Qrow- The relics are each locked in a chamber that can only be open by a specific maiden. Winter for the gift of creation. Summer for destruction. Fall for choice. Spring for knowledge. (takes another drink) Spring is the problem.
Ren- What happened to her?
Lionheart- She was determined at first when she inherited her powers but the weight of responsibility proved to be too much for the child. She ran. Abandoned her training. Everyone. That was over a decade ago. There's no telling were she could be now.
Qrow- I know. At least I have a pretty good idea.
Lionheart- Are you serious?
Qrow- It's not exactly good news.
Lionheart- What are you talking about?! This is incredible news! After all these years?! Where?!
Qrow- I did some digging around. Looks like after spring ran away she was picked up by bandits. More specifically, the Brawnwen tribe.
Lionheart- Raven.
Jaune- Yang's Mom?
Qrow- That's right.
Uncle puts his scroll on Lionheart's desk and the scroll projects a map. It zooms into somewhere in Anima.
Qrow- That's about where they set up their main camp. It's where they fall back after raids and scouting missions. Raven's managed to gather a lot of followers since she returned to the tribe and I'm sure when the spring maiden showed up, it only made things easier.
Lionheart- Well Qrow, I've got to hand it to you. With these coordinates we can mount a retrieval force and head out in a couple weeks.
Qrow- A few weeks?
Lionheart- That's right.
Qrow- Leo maybe you didn't here me. My sister has the spring maiden and I know where she is. We need to go as soon as possible.
Uncle hits some books off of Lionheart's desk.
Lionheart- And perhaps you didn't hear me. This kingdom is in shambles. As soon as possible does not mean tomorrow. It means as soon as I can convince the rest of the council that I need huntsman more than they do. Unfortunately bandit tribes are not high on their list of priorities when the threat of war is just over the horizon.
Qrow- Then Damn the council. We'll do it ourselves. You and I are trained huntsman and these kids aren't exactly pushovers.
Nora - Yeah!
Ren- perhaps there is a more peaceful way to approach this?
Qrow- We need to get spring as far away from here as possible and Raven isn't going to give up her most prized possession without a fight.
Lionheart- Unfortunately you and your sister are evenly matched and I'm not the fighter I used to be. No offense but these students and I can't take on an entire bandit tribe and a maiden who had no doubt years to perfect her skills. We need to be positive to apprehend spring because if we fail Raven and her tribe will scatter and we'll be lost. We get one shot at this and it needs to be perfect.
Qrow- (Sigh) You know Oz wouldn't be happy about any of this if he where here.
Lionheart- Perhaps you're right but he's not and I'm doing the very best I can.
Ruby- There has to be something we can do.
Jaune - What about Cinder? She came with Emerald and Mercury from Haven. Do you have anything on them?
Lionheart- We pulled their files after the fall of beacon. Nothing but lies and forgeries.
Qrow- Well I can't say this has been a warm reunion Leo.
Lionheart- I'm sorry. I know we've traveled a long way but I will everything I can to help.
Qrow- Sure. We'll stay in city for the time being. Local comms are still up. Keep in touch. Come on kids.
We begin to leave but I stop.
Ruby- It was nice meeting you professor.
Lionheart- Likewise.
With that I catch up with the rest of the group and we leave the school.
Author: Ok this one was a long one but that's ok. See y'all in the next chapter

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 5Where stories live. Discover now