CHAPTER 27: I Love You, Abe

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"I love you korah." Abe tells me before he blacks out.

"No. Wake up. Please don't leave me." I begin to cry and quickly searched in his pockets for his phone and called Neko and Brie to come quick and have the guys come to help.

"Hold on." I tell him before I call 9-1-1 and ask for them to hurry.

When the ambulance arrive, Neko, Brie and several others of his men who all look beat up, come running up right as they are putting him in the ambulance.

I ride with him while not being able to stop myself from crying.

"It's alright." One of the paramedics says to me to try and comfort me and I know he's doing his job but at the same time, he has no idea how many people I loved have died in my life.

"I'm so sorry." I kept telling him the whole ride there, which was only ten minutes away but still.

They rushed him inside and right away was taken into surgery while me, Brie, Neko and all the other guys had filled up the waiting room, waiting for him to come out.

I felt sick to my stomach. I was the reason this happened. If I had never left my father and run away, none of this would have happened.

"You alright?" Brie asks as she sits next to me and starts rubbing my back for comfort.

"I will be when he comes out." I tell her.

"You know what? He's strong as hell. He's been through worse injuries." She tells me.

"Yeah. But still, I can't help but feel guilty." I tell her.

"This wasn't your fault. And your dad, well, I'm sorry to hear about your dad." She tells me and tears come running down my face only they're for my father?

"Is he??" I ask and she just nods her head.

"Yeah." She replies.

"My god." I say and hold my face in my hands as I begin crying harder than before.

A couple of hours passed by before the surgeon finally came out and told us about Abe's condition.

"How is he doc?" Neko asks.

"He'll be okay. That man is a fighter. We came close to losing him a couple of times but he bounced back and you'll be able to visit him if you want right now. He's asleep but you all can still visit him. He's in room eight." The doctor says.

"Also, who's Korah?" He asks.

I look at him hesitantly.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Since you're his fiance, I will be going over some things in a few days before sending him home in what all he needs to do such as physical therapy and such." The doctor tells me.

"Okay." I nod.

Wait, did he just say I was his FIANCE?!

"Wait, doc? Who told you I was his fiance?" I asked.

"He did. He asked for you by name and said that you were his fiance during one of the brief moments he was awake as we placed him in the room.

"Oh." I smiled.

Neko and Brie both smiled at me. I smiled at them and then the three of us decided we would see him first before sending in all the guys.

The moment we walked into the room, we saw him hooked up to a few different things such as the heart monitor, oxygen tubes in his nose and an I.V. for his morphine. I let Brie and Neko go first and just watched them talking to him and cry a little.

"Please Abe, no more of this bullshit. The money doesn't matter." I hear Brie cry while hugging him.

Brie then gave him a kiss on the forehead and told her she loved him, along with Neko and then after a few moments, she couldn't be there anymore. So her and Neko left and said they'd all be back in the morning.

After they left and closed the door behind them, I stood there for a moment and looked at him on the bed, asleep and bandaged up. Then I walked over beside him and scooted the chair closer towards him.

I looked down at his hand and gently picked it up while trying to fight back the tears as I looked at his face.

"I'm so sorry. I never should have come here. You wouldn't be in here if it wasn't for me. I don't know, maybe I'm a jinx or a magnet for bad luck. You probably can't even hear me right now but, I want you to know that I love you. I never thought I would ever get the chance to say that. In fact, I never thought I would ever find anyone to break down my walls. But you have." I say to him before stopping to wipe away my tears.

I gently rub the top of his hand in a circular motion with my thumb. Then moments later, the exhaustion from all my crying, alone, has me passing out beside him with my head on his hand.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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