CHAPTER 26: I Love You Korah

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After shooting most of Carusso's men outside and inside, we started looking all over for everyone and I heard somebody groaning in pain from inside one of the rooms nearby.

Me and my guys hurry up with our guns all drawn and inside are dead bodies and the smell of blood. Then I hear the groan again and notice it's the Korah's dad.

He's laying on the ground holding his chest as blood seeps through his fingers.

I point my gun at him and get ready to shoot him but suddenly my dad's voice is in my head telling me otherwise.

"Please." He struggles to say through his shallow breathing just as my father did in his final moments. "Please go and get my daughter. He took her and he's going to kill her."

I can't believe I'm gonna trust him but what choice do I really have right now?

"Where?" I ask him.

"He's heading to the place where Korah's mother grew up at. I bought the house after she died and planned to give it to my daughter but, it didn't happen. It's located at the other end of town. Please help her." He says and then gasps his last few breaths.

It's weird because there's a part of me that feels bad for the guy and even more for Korah because her dad just died. Maybe he really was trying to make things better. It's too late either way now.

"Abe, we need to get going." One of my guys says.

I have them stay and try to clean everything up and then I begin running out to the car and start speeding off towards the house. I remember going to this place a few times after I met Korah's brother. He liked going there a lot and I didn't know the reason at the time but now I understand and can see why.

We made sure to pull up in front of the empty house next door and started heading towards the house that had all the lights on throughout the house.

"Let me go, asshole!" I hear Korah screaming that sounds like it's coming from the living room.

"Tell me where it is! Tell me where the hell your father put the papers!" I hear Turro yelling at her and then hear her scream followed by a loud slapping noise.

I begin running a little faster and finally burst through the front door and come to an immediate stop when I see Korah sitting in a chair with her hands duct taped together behind her back and her ankles duct taped also to the legs of the chair.

"Baby!" I say in relief.

I don't see Turro anywhere in the room which is weird.

"What are you doing here?" She asks weak.

"I've come to get you baby." I tell her as I give her a kiss on the lips real quick and then try and cut off her duct tape around her wrists.

As I take out a pocket knife and try to cut off the duct tape around her wrists, I'm able to cut through one before a gun goes off from behind me and I feel a sharp pain through my shoulder and causes me to fall to the floor beside her.

"ABE!" I hear her scream.

The pain is excruciating as I hold my shoulder and struggle to get up.

"You think I didn't prepare for you to come and rescue her?" He says while glaring at me as he walks closer and closer one slow step at a time.

I can feel my vision start to blur and know that I will be blacking out soon. But I'm praying I don't and trying to fight it.

He gets to where he is now towering over me and everything around me is becoming a blur and distant. I don't care if I die right now. All I really care about is that Korah is fine.

"Any last words?" He asks as he cocks the gun at my head.

"Yeah, fuck you!" I tell him with a grin right as I see that Korah has cut off the duct tape and is free now to where I notice her coming up behind him with a fire poker she took from the fireplace and with all the hatred and disgust I see on her face as her lip and nose continues to bleed from where he has punched her, in one big swing and has hard as she can, she jams the poker straight into his lower back and through his spine, then twists it and causing him to not only yell out in pain but drop to his knees instantly.

"That was for me and Abe!" She says as she yanks it out from his back, then jams it again in his upper back. "That's for my father and brother!" She yells at him. Then yanks the poker out again and jams it then in his neck. "And THAT'S for those innocent lives you fucking took!" She says and then starts crying before running to my side.

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

"I love you, Korah." I tell her before I black out.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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