CHAPTER 14: They Know The Rules

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Tonight is going great so far. By far better than I thought it ever would.

Once we got done with dinner, we decided to head back into town and walk around for a bit. I had thought of maybe seeing a movie but as a first date, I thought it wouldn't be as good of an idea.

While walking around hand-in-hand, I was talking about the stories behind these businesses and how I had worked at almost every single one except for of course the few ones I brought here and had built.

Things were going great and we decided to head into the ice cream parlor that has been in business for the past fifty years all family owned of course and happens to be one of my favorite things here.

When we walked inside and up to the glass that displayed all the flavors and toppings, we began to pick some out and then sat down at one of the small round tables and began eating.

After a moment of starting to eat our ice creams, I noticed as she finished licking around her ice cream, that she had a little bit on the corner of her mouth and that's when I decided to make a move. A bold one that I had hoped wouldn't give me a slap on the face. I leaned closer to her.

"You have a little ice cream in the corner of your mouth." I tell her. "Here, I'll get it."

That's when I lean in and press my lips against hers and move and start to kiss her. I glide my tongue a little across her bottom lip to ask for entrance and her mouth then opens and lets me.

She is a great kisser I must say. Then I sit back and notice I got most of it off and so I take my finger and wipe the rest of it off and then lick it off my finger and then my lips that I got from kissing her.

"Mmm...Yours tastes good." I comment.

She begins blushing a little bit and then she looks at my ice cream and I hold out my cone as she takes a lick and I'm sorry but I know she has no idea in how she looks when I see her licking the ice cream but it's kind of turning me on.

I shake any of those inappropriate thoughts out of my head and focus back on the moment in enjoying each other's company.

After we were finished, we headed back to the house and said 'goodnight'.

I felt like we had hit it off real good and decided to take a chance and asked her to go out with me again tomorrow night. In which she said yes.

I don't know what this girl is doing to me but, I like it either way.


As the next day arrived and while I was hanging out at the clubhouse going over a few things, I heard suddenly a loud obnoxious voice......Laina's.

She came storming into my office swinging the door wide opened so it hit the wall really hard and began stomping up to my desk where she hit the desk with her hands as she yelled at me.

"How dare you fucking threaten my cousin!" She yells.

"What the fuck are you talking about Laina?!" I ask.

"Ronnie? The guy who took that slut out the other night and you threatened the night before last cause of HER?!" She scowls at me.

"Okay first off, sorry, didn't know he was your cousin. Besides, he's a little bitch that should learn how to respect others and not try and threaten me. Now as far as to why I stood up for her was cause he tried to assault her the other night and I have zero tolerance for that bullshit." I tell her. "Now if you'll do me a favor and get the fuck out of here so I can finish my work, that'll be great." I glare at her.

"Pff. Why the hell are YOU even defending her?! You don't know who this bitch is and yet she comes up in this town and suddenly acts like she can talk to whoever she wants and DATE other girls boyfriends?!" She says.

"Laina, I ain't telling you again. You and I were never together! So who I date is none of your fucking business. Now I suggest you get the hell outta here before I ban you forever from ever stepping foot in this place." I warn her.

She glares at me for a moment and then storms back out of the office, slamming the door behind her.

My god, she is a complete bitch. She knows better too than to talk to me like that. Also, how come in all the years I've known her, she became crazier but most importantly now, how the hell come did she never tell me Ronnie was her damn cousin?!

Doesn't matter. She can be a jealous bitch all she wants to. I know her or her brother will think twice about messing with me and or Korah. Knowing she's my girl, everyone knows the rules.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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