CHAPTER 5: Familiar Faces

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That was an interesting morning. I thought he was gonna stay somewhere else but then again, it's really his house and I am just a guest. Still though, I had thought Brie told me yesterday he wouldn't be staying here. Oh well, I guess it'll be fine. I'm sure we won't be seeing a lot of each other anyways since he works a lot according to Brie.

I was a little embarrassed however that he saw me wearing nothing but my booty shorts and long t-shirt that barely went to my knees. Fuck it! It's done and it's over with I guess.

After finishing up getting ready to head off to the diner and while walking over towards work, I decided to first stop by this sewing and knitting store that was owned by this sweet elderly woman who I think could still kick your ass if you pushed her too far.

When I walked inside, she greeted me as she does to everyone.

"Good morning angel." She greets me with a big smile.

"Good morning Bea." I reply.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"I'm good. No complaints. How about yourself?" I ask.

"The same." She replies. "Looking for anything in particular today?" She asks.

"Just some thread and a few sewing needles." I say while looking down an aisle.

"What do you plan on making?" She asks curiously as she walks over with her cane towards me.

"I just need to stitch my purse strap. It's coming undone." I tell her.

"Oh. But you need a machine for that. Otherwise it could take you forever."

"I know but, it's okay. I like it doing it. Plus I don't have a machine." I laugh a little.

"Oh don't be silly girl, you can use mine anytime." She offers.

"Thank you Bea, but it's okay. I can stitch really good." I assure her.

"I'm sure you can but you need to use a machine for that. It'll be quicker. Not to mention that I'm a form believer of working smarter not harder." She winks at me.

"I hear ya. How about I think about it?" I ask.

"Alright." She says while playfully rolling her eyes. "Want me to ring you up?" She asks me.

"Yes please." I reply with a smile as I follow her up to the counter, pay for the few items, place them in my bag and start heading off to work.

"Thanks again. Have a great day." I wave goodbye at her.

"You too darlin'!" She exclaims and waves back.

When I get to the diner, it is a little slow as it usually is at this time of the morning and there isn't much to do so I just start restocking the drinking glasses and then refilling up the napkin dispensers when I heard Brie giggling loudly as she walked into the diner with Neko right behind her, trying to grab her waist and tickle her.

"Stop it." She tells him.

He just continues laughing as does she and then she turns and see's me.

"Hey girl." She says.

"Hey to you. You're late." I point out.

"I know. But my dad already knew I would be." She smiles.

"Well I'm gonna get going. I need to meet up with Abe. I'll come get you after work." Neko kisses her.

"Okay. See you then." She smiles and kisses him back.

"See ya later." He nods at me and then heads out.

"I love that guy." She says.

"Yeah, you both make a great couple." I tell her.

"Thanks." She tells me.

She then starts to tie her apron in the back around her waist and begins helping me out.

Throughout the rest of the day, it seemed to be at a steady pace even when dinner time came around. Then once it was getting closer to the end of the night, we had one last group of customers who I didn't recognize right away until one of them looked over their shoulder and I saw it was none other than Mr. Turro. My dad's right hand man.

Quickly I kneel out of sight behind the counter and asked Brie if she would take that table for the rest of the night. She at first looked at me weird but then just shrugged it off and walked on over to take their orders.

She gives the order to her dad and then walks up beside me and without making it too obvious she's talking to me, she makes herself look busy while asking me a few things.

"What's wrong with you?" She asks. "Do you know those guys or something?"

I couldn't tell her the truth. Plus, maybe I'm just paranoid and my mind is playing tricks on me making me believe that I'm seeing Turro but not really. Although it is really hard to miss them when they stick out like a sore thumb.

I didn't know how to respond right now. All I could think about was where to run to this time? Are they here for me? Did he find me? Am I just being paranoid?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

The Diner GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora