CHAPTER 7: It Almost Happened

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Oh my god, was he about to kiss me? Was I gonna even let him? Did I want him to? No, I can't. He's just the other guys. He is no different than my father and anyone else that does the kind of work he does.

I guess in a way that I should be thanking the slut that interrupted us because I could have let something happen that never should have.

"I should go anyways." I start to say and then hand him my beer and thank him for it before walking out.

I try and look for Brie and Neko to tell them I'm heading out but I couldn't find them. They were probably having sex somewhere. So instead, I just started walking back to the house.

It seemed to have gotten pretty cold since we got here a couple hours ago. So I tightly close my sweater around me and hold it tightly closed and start walking.

I'm not much of a drinker or someone that likes to go to parties. I know Brie was just trying to be nice and thought it would help me after what happened earlier in the diner with almost running into my father's right hand man, Turro.

Which I still don't understand what he was doing here. I guess though I shouldn't worry about it since most likely he was only passing through and had already left.

I don't get to the street sign that's several feet away from the clubhouse when I hear someone call out 'Hey! Wait up!'

I know it probably wouldn't be too smart to stop but I did and when I turned around, I saw it was Abe sprinting after me.

"Hey! You shouldn't be walking home alone." He says.

"It's not that far." I remind him.

"Doesn't matter. You don't need to be walking home by yourself." He says.

"Well I appreciate it but you can go back to your party and your girlfriend, or whatever she is, I'm fine, really." I try to assure him and begin walking.

"Wait, hold up! Are you talking about Laina?" I hear him ask as he catches up and continues walking with me.

"Yeah. She's your girlfriend, right?" I say.

He starts laughing really loudly and then holds his stomach playfully.

"Hell no! Her and I are more like fuck buddies." He blurts out and I can tell immediately out the corner of my eye that he felt bad for saying it.

However, I don't see why he would feel that way when it's none of my business for one and two, I don't care....right?!?

"Hmm. Figures." I say under my breath.

"Woah! What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He asked sounding defensive all of a sudden.

"Nothing." I reply.

"No. You meant something. What?" He asks me and stops me by turning me to face him.

"Nothing really. I just, I kind of figured with your lifestyle and everything. There's girls like that bound to be around you. I mean you ARE in a motorcycle gang and that just comes with the territory." I began rambling immediately regretting it as I could see the look of a little disgust on his face but had more of a pissed off look.

"And what exactly makes you so sure about what it's like? I mean first off, we aren't a gang and that's the last time I'm gonna say it. Second of all, don't be acting like you know me or how my club works. And sure, me and Laina may be fuck buddies but she's also a great friend of mine. So don't be so quick to pass judgement on others miss goody goody. Damn you girls are annoying as shit sometimes! FUCK!" He says out loud in frustration and starts heading back to the clubhouse.

I wanted to apologize for how rude that was and sounded but he didn't give me a chance. Besides, he is the one that first called her a slut and then became suddenly defensive of her out of nowhere. What the hell was that all about anyways?!

I didn't mean to piss him off but if he wants to act short tempered with me and shit then fine, it'll be easier for me not to care or to be forced to even like him. So maybe this all happened for a reason.

When I got back to the house, I saw that Rudy was passed out in front of the television with it still on and I know he's a deep sleeper so I grabbed the blanket from off the couch and put it over him and headed off to bed.

While laying down in bed, I couldn't help but think about how bizarre and strange this night had been and what all had happened. How in the hell did I piss off Brie's brother that much and so quickly when moments before he was about to kiss me.

Shit! The 'almost happened' kiss. Wait, why did he want to do that? Could it be he's drunk?.....Yeah, sure, that has to be the reason, right?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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