CHAPTER 15: I Can Explain

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Last night's date was fun and surprising as I never thought of Abe as the romantic kind. I was thinking all day long about tonight's date and have tried not to seem like I'm really into him but I can't help but smile at the way that he makes me feel.

Today wasn't too crazy but enough to keep me busy enough.

Rudy was nice enough to let me off early tonight after he heard me and Abe were going out again and Brie was nice enough to cover for my shift.

There was only an hour left of my shift and Brie was on a break when I noticed a small group of girls and a few guys came walking in. When I got a better look at them I noticed Laina, a couple of other girls along with Ronnie and a couple of his friends as they sat down in the booths, laughing.

I have the worst luck I swear. I tried asking one of the other girls to take the table but they of course said no. Surprise surprise. (Note the sarcasm). So I just sucked it up and tried not to seem so annoyed while avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

"What would you guys like to order?" I came out and asked seeing as to how they all know the menu already.

"Well look who it is. The biggest slut in town." I heard Laina remark.

"What do you guys want to order?" I asked again.

"I would first like for you to stay the hell away from Abe. He's mine. You don't belong in his world." She says.

"Whatever Laina." I roll my eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me bitch?!" She says as she stands and starts trying to get in my face.

"Hey, back off and grow the hell up." I tell her and then as I turn to try and walk away, she grabs my arm.

"Don't walk away from me!" She snaps at me.

I turn and release my wrist from her grasp before snapping back at her.

"Don't fucking touch me! And don't threaten me neither. You don't know shit about me, so don't act like you do cause you want to act tough in front of all your friends. And another thing, don't fucking tell me I can't see Abe when you don't own him and CLEARLY, he would rather be with a clean and real woman than some skank who wouldn't know who she got STD's from!" I snap at her.

Okay, not my best comebacks, but it's all I had at the moment while her friends, including Ronnie all made an 'Dammmnn!' Remark under their breaths.

"I swear to god I'm gonna...." She started and right as she raised her fist getting ready to take a swing at me, I saw someone from behind me grab her wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. And as far as your little piece of shit cousin, he's lucky my brother didn't fuck him up badly! Now stay the hell away from my brother and my best friend here or you'll regret it." I hear Brie tell Laina right before releasing her wrist.

"Abe will never stand for this." She exclaims.

"Oh he will. Now your friends, cousin and your delusional skanky ass get the hell out of my father's diner and never come back." She warns Laina.

Laina glares at her and then at me before leaving with her friends.

"Thanks. I had it under control though." I chuckle a little bit towards Brie.

"I know. But I couldn't let you have all the fun." She winks and smiles.

We then go back to work and after I finish I head on over to the house and hurry to take a shower and then get ready.

A couple of hours pass by and Abe's late. I have already texted him and tried to call him a couple times but no answer. It turns to be close to nine at night and still nothing.

So I decide to head upstairs, get into my PJ's and head downstairs to order some food and a movie and forget all about tonight and to start realize that I never should have trusted him.

The next day

Rudy gave me a day off today and I was glad because I think I had food poisoning from the pizza I had ordered last night as I threw up several times and felt tired and weak.

I walked downstairs to make myself some soup and grab some water but as soon as I got downstairs, I smelled something good and then noticed Abe was in the kitchen cooking something in a pot.

I tried to ignore him as I was not in the mood to hear about his excuse for standing me up. So I ignored him and walked into the kitchen towards the fridge.

"Morning." I hear him say.

I continue to not say anything.

"I know you're upset with me and you have every right to be. But I didn't mean to stand you up. There's no excuse for doing what I did and I completely understand if you want nothing to do with me but can you please hear me out?" He asks with regret in his eyes.

"I made you some soup?" He says as I walk over and look into the pot and see he has made me some soup.

I then look at him as he continues looking at me. Then I nod my head.

"Fine." I tell him.

I walk over towards the couch and plop myself down, then wait.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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