CHAPTER 22: What The Hell?!!

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I make my way over to the clubhouse and to be honest, I can't believe what I just said to her. Then again, what she said to me was just as fucked up also.

I walk past everyone there who are drinking and having a good time while ignoring them trying to get my attention.

As soon as I get into my office I break out the whiskey bottle I have in my drawer and open it up and start drinking from the bottle.

There's a knock on the door.

"Go away!" I yell out.

"Hey...." Laina coos as she walks inside and closes the door behind her.

"Get the hell out of here Laina." I tell her.

"I just wanted to see how you were holding up. You looked upset and I wanted to see if you wanted to talk about it or if you wanted some company." She says just as she sits on my lap and straddles me.

All I can think about is Korah. But she doesn't love me like I do her. Or did I should say.

The next thing I feel are her lips smashed onto mine and then one of her hands touching my crotch. That's when I grab her hand and then push her off.

"I said get the fuck out!" I yell at her again.

"Fuck you! I was just trying to help your ass now that that bitch is gone!" She remarks.

Before she opens the door, I close it behind her, locking her between my arms.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I ask. "How the hell did you know she was gonna leave?!" I ask her.

"I just, guessed." She tries and plays stupid.

"Don't fucking lie to me! What the hell did you do Laina?!" I demanded and pushed her hard up against the door.

"Nothing. I just told an ex of mine who happened to have been looking for her, where she was at." She says as if there's nothing wrong with what she just said.

"You fucking dumb bitch! Get the fuck out of this clubhouse and stay the fuck away! I won't tell you again!" I scold at her.

I next open the door and push her out before slamming the door closed behind me and hurrying to my bike outside.

I hurry home but as soon as I look in her room, I see she has already packed and left. I try and think about where she could have gone to and realized the only way out is by bus. So I quickly get onto my bike again and head to the bus stop.

All of this has been one fucked up night so far and realize how immature we were acting towards each other.

When I finally get there it's easy to spot her because she's the only person here waiting for a bus out of the other five people waiting that has a hat on and obviously a wig. Plus, I recognize her duffel bag.

I start to suddenly get a little nervous as I begin walking towards her but then quickly that feeling is replaced by pure relief that I found her.

"Korah?" I ask.

She slowly turns her head and looks at me then lowers her hat close to her face amd looks back down at the ground.

"Just leave me alone. We both said more than enough to each other. Let's leave it at that." She says.

"No. I'm not going to. I regret saying all that bad shit to you. I was pissed and it's no excuse but, I didn't mean any of it." I begin.

"It's better this way, Abe. Please don't make things harder than they need to be." She says.

I walk in front of her and kneel down.

"Listen to me. I'm not leaving you. You aren't going anywhere without me." I tell her as I lift her head a little to look into my eyes and begin wiping her tears away.

"It could never work." She sniffles.

"The hell it won't! Please give us a chance?! I know you're scared as hell and so am I. This is all new territory for me but you make want to be a better person. You make me feel things I never thought existed for someone like me. Please don't leave me." I beg one more time while choking up on the last part.

There's a quiet between us and then I finally hear her answer.

"Okay. I'm sorry." She says.

I then lift her up and we hold each other and I kiss the top of her head to try and calm her down as she begins to cry again.

"Don't be sorry. We'll make this work. I promise." I assure her.

She nods and then looks up at me for a moment and I lean in and give her a kiss on her sweet plumped soft lips.

The moment however somehow gets interrupted from the sound of a gun going off and the bullet hitting the wall beside us.

We look real quick while trying to run away and see who it is and notice it's Turro! That motherfucker!

He continues shooting while coming after us and I grab hold of her hand quickly as we begin running off down the street going the back way through houses and the trees that surround them.

Luckily our house isn't too far away. I quickly take out my phone and call up Neko and tell him what's going and to gather the guys and have them meet at the house ASAP!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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