CHAPTER 2: Hey Old Man!!

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"I'm so glad to be leaving man." I tell my VP of our club and my right hand man, Neko. Who not to mention has been my best friend since we were in the fifth grade.

Neko is a little over six feet tall, has sleeves of tats, a buzzed head with gauges in his ears. He had come from a broken home and when his parents kicked him out at the age of thirteen because they didn't want anything to do with him anymore, I took him in. Well my father did but still, it was like we were brother's.

Then he began dating my sister who is two years younger than me and he's a great guy and everything, don't get me wrong and I know will treat her right but still, that's my sister, you know?

"Me too. I can't wait to head back home again. It'll be nice." He replies as he stretches out his arms while sitting next to me kicking back as we drink a beer on the porch of the rundown motel we've been staying in for the past few months but have seemed like forever.

We were doing some kind of business with one of our suppliers for some new shipments of guns that we're expecting to come in that are top quality and will be a great payout for all of us. What's better too is they are untraceable and not registered.

"Fuck, I'm so tired." I start to yawn.

"I bet." He winks at me as he thinks it's from the night I had with one of the local clubhouse sluts here.

"Shut up bro." I punch him in the arm.

"Hey, I'm not the one with a girlfriend." He says.

"Laina and I have an open relationship." I tell him as I take a drink. "Besides, her and I aren't really into that whole serious relationship bullshit." I say before taking another drink.

"You just haven't found the right girl man." He says.

"Yeah. Right." I say under my breath.

"Bro, not every girl is like your mom." He says.

"Mhm." I reply while looking out ahead at nothing thinking about her. Which I haven't done in a very long time. Well, since she died ten years ago.

I don't believe in love and that kind of crap. It's a waste of time and a set up for a guaranteed fail.

Not trying to be so harsh and close minded, but thanks to my mom, she always treated my father, me and my sister like shit. My father was the boss of a gang back when I was little and my mom was of course his old lady. But she was everybody's old lady in all reality.

She didn't know how to stay faithful or sober. She chose the party life and ended up catching a disease from some dirty needles she would shoot up with everyday. At least that's what the doctor told us. But I know she really died from alcohol poisoning mostly because she never showed signs she was sick like you would. She just looked the way she always did with dried out brittle looking hair, fucked up teeth (well the little amount she had) and always wreaked of bourbon and a chimney.

"Well, I'm gonna gather the guys up and call Brie." He says as he sets his empty beer bottle now onto the little rickety round table.

"Dude, don't tell me you're calling my sister. I know you're all dating and everything but I've heard your conversations sometimes and I don't need those images." I tell him.

"Pervert! I'm only gonna tell her we're leaving here soon and will be home in a few hours." He says.

"Whatever, just don't tell me." I laugh.

I then get up and start putting my stuff together while he goes and gets the guys and then we head off back to our home.

A Few Hours Later

While all the guys headed over to the house, me and Neko decided to head to the diner and grab something to eat. Well, also I wanted to say hi to my dad and my sister. And Neko well, yeah, you know why.

I like it when we leave and come back. Everyone in town greets us with waves, smiles and a 'what's up' and welcome back kind of thing. Although we do keep this town safe. But still, it feels good to always be back home to a place like this.

After pulling our backs up in the side of the diner in between that and another building, we get off and head inside.

The place looks pretty busy and I see they finally took down the 'waitress wanted' sign they've had up in the wind since before I left a few months ago.

"Come on, let's grab something to eat." Neko says as we begin making our way towards the counter in front.

We were saying hi to everybody that we haven't seen in a while and then after finally sitting down. I heard screaming from the kitchen and looked to see it was my baby sister, Brie.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" She screams excited as she runs up to me and hugs me.

"Hey little B." That's my nickname for her.

"Hey! I'm so glad you're home!" She says.

"Me too." I hugged her back. "And I found this guy wandering on the road and thought I might bring him here." I teased while gesturing at Neko.

She jumps into his arms and wraps both her arms and legs around him as they start making out.

Ugh, I can't watch. So I try and turn to head back into the kitchen to say hi to our dad. Though right as soon as I lift up the counter top to start heading back, I hear someone call out 'Hey! You can't be back here!'

When I turned to see who was talking to me, I saw a fine-as-fuck girl who looked to be just out of high school or was still in high school bit definitely not from around here. Yet, gave me a familiarity feel.

So I thought I would have a little fun with her. The first thing I did was turn to face her and started smirking while leaning my shoulder against the wall by the kitchen door.

"Or what?" I asked with my arms crossed across my chest.

"Or the owner of this place will have you kicked out." She says.

It was cute, she didn't sound or look intimidating but was sweet of her to try.

"Pff. I'm not scared of that old man." I tell her.

"You should be boy! I may be old but I can still kick your ass back into last year." My dad chimes in.

"Hey dad." I greeted him with a smile as he came walking out and we hugged.

"It's good to see you son." He says.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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