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Life was dangerous in the lawless city.

I heard stories of times when Seoul wasn't overrun by crime. People talked about how in the past they weren't scared to leave their homes. They knew they were being protected by police and other officials, but everything changed when the gangs started fighting back. There were three of them ruling life in Seoul now and you either obeyed them or you died. If you stood in between, there was no other way but to fight. And I was good at fighting. It was probably the only thing that I was really good at.

'' I'm blaming this on you. ''

'' Is that supposed to make me feel bad? You always blame everything on me. ''

'' That's because leaving you for thirty minutes is already enough for you to do something stupid like accepting a job from someone that calls themselves mister Smith. ''

'' How am I supposed to know that mister Smith is apparently the most obvious fake name ever? '' I yelled and glared at my partner and best friend Lucas. We knew each other for about five years now and sometimes I asked myself how it was possible that one of us didn't lose it and kill the other yet. People often wondered why he hung out with someone like me, but we managed to make it work. We were two guns for hire and one of the best in the entire city.

People trying to kill us was just another part of our daily lives, but the situation that night was a bit worse than normally.

It was supposed to be a simple elimination of a gang member, but it turned out that they were expecting us. The club looked as ordinary as ever and the two of us barely managed to make it to the bar before we suddenly found ourselves completely surrounded. I was still squatted on one of the high stools and turning my back at the knives that were pointed at us, while Lucas was leaning against the bar and smiling. '' Did you do it on purpose, just because you wanted a fight? Come on, end it quick and let's go. I want to find the idiot that called us and gave you this job and congratulate him for fooling you before I beat his ass for wasting my time. ''

I slowly stood up on my bar stool and my fingers wrapped around the handle of my katana sword. A dangerous smile appeared on my lips and my eyes glistened in the faint light of the club. '' Can I have some fun? ''

'' Do whatever you want, '' Lucas carelessly answered and took another sip of his drink. In moments like this one, his eyes looked even scarier than mine. Then his features twisted in to a cringe and he quickly corrected himself: '' That's a bit too much for someone like you. Just don't make it too messy. The police chief has been nagging us about the dead bodies recently, so try to keep the damage to a minimum. ''

One of the men finally gathered enough courage to attack. He swung his knife towards me, but I easily dodged it and jumped back from my bar stool. The high chair fell on the side, I flew through the air and landed behind him. I raised my foot and kicked him as strong as I could and he let out a pained scream. Then I turned around and grabbed the face of the second guy that wanted to attack me. He froze with surprise, clearly thinking that I wasn't paying attention. I smirked at the sight of his terrified face and slowly raised my hand.



Lucas chuckled in amusement and spoke up: '' Oh, she is giving you the time to say goodbye to this world! ''


In that moment I grabbed the handle of my sword and sliced through the air. Blood splattered on the ground and the dead body collapsed right after. I placed myself in a fighting stance and my purely black eyes scanned my surroundings. '' Who's next? ''

Some other too brave guy wanted to attack Lucas, but I was faster than him. The handle of my sword smashed against his chin, then I quickly turned the weapon and stuck it through his stomach. Lucas scowled at the sight of the mess and gazed at the other guys. They were looking more and more reluctant with each moment that passed. '' How about I give you a chance to live? If you answer my questions then I might be able to stop my partner. Cue words might be... She gets a little crazy because of the bloodlust. ''

failures II » kpop ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang