chapter 2

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I was running down the school hallway, just like usually. I was well known for having extremely bad time managing skills and taking on too many things that I could handle and today wasn't any different. The last school bell was about to ring at any moment, students were already gathering outside of their classrooms and preparing to go home and I calculated that I had about thirty seconds left. My cheeks were reddened and I lost my ugly yellow woollen hat somewhere on the way, but I was determined to make it.

I sprinted past Kai and his friends that turned their heads with surprise at the sight of me, high-fived my best friend that just walked out of her classroom and stopped in front of the locker that I was looking for. She watched me open it and put the neatly wrapped gift box in it and frowned with disapproval. '' I don't know why you keep doing this. Did you even try this time? Santa wrapping paper? Seriously? It's almost March. ''

'' Shut up, you know that I just don't want anyone to go through what I did, '' I muttered and casually walked to the end of the hallway with her. We stopped there to wait for the person that the locker I just opened belonged to and looked at each other.

Byeongsu raised an eyebrow and asked: '' Can you stop? You know that I wished you a happy birthday one day too late just because I was on vacation at that time and we were in a different time zone. You can't still be hung up on that. Aren't you the one who always fucks up and says that we must forget, forgive and leave things in the past? ''

I smiled at her words, looking in to distance and thinking about my birthday three years ago. That was one of the worst days of my life and I still clearly remembered how crappy I felt when my father got too drunk to even come home from the bar, my sister was in one of her worst times and some people at school took my sketchbook and destroyed it. No one even mentioned my birthday, I didn't receive a single wish, let alone a present and I felt completely alone.

I was crying until two in the morning when I got Byeongsu's text where she wished me a happy birthday and after that moment, I made it a habit to prepare a small birthday present for everyone in my class, just to prove that there was somebody who cared.

'' You know, most of other people's lives aren't as depressing as yours and they get a lot of birthday wishes and presents, but whatever, '' my friend replied and shrugged. The two of us spent a few moments watching the girl who walked up to her locker, opened it and pulled out the present that I left there. She was so shocked that she almost started crying, even if inside the box was just a muffin that I bought in a cafe near the school and a birthday card. She walked away happily eating it and I triumphantly grinned at Byeongsu, who sighed and rolled her eyes. '' If it makes it easier for you to sleep at night. Where's that nasty yellow cap you were wearing earlier? It's snowing outside. ''

She stated it with the most emotionless look on her face that she probably could, while I instantly grabbed her arms and screamed: '' Snowing?! Really?! Let's go! ''

I thought I wasn't going to get to see snow this winter and I was instantly excited. Byeongsu sighed and mumbled something about how she was going to break my arm if I will even try to suggest making a snowman, but I ignored her, grabbed her wrist and dragged her after me. Some other students were already running around the crunching snow that was beginning to cover the grass outside the school and throwing snow at each other and I happily joined them. Byeongsu watched us have the time of our life with a scowl on her face until they realised who I was, mumbled something to each other about how I was weird and quickly left. Their actions hurt a little, but I ignored the pain, jumped on the bench my friend was sitting on and spread my arm to balance myself on it.

'' You should've put a rock in one of the snowballs while you were still playing with those idiots, '' Byeongsu mumbled after a few moments of silence. She was looking at the sky with a serious expression on her face and watching the snowflakes that were gently cascading down.

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