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The start of a new school year.

It was the time of excitement, wonder and curiosity, but also fear, doubt and anxiety. Am I going to impress my new classmates? Does my outfit look good? Did I remember to pack my favourite pencil?

'' Wait a moment... '' I mumbled to myself and my head tilted to the side. I pushed my glasses higher up my nose and frowned in thought. '' Did I remember to pack my lucky yellow pencil? ''

I shook my head and pushed those thoughts in the back of my mind. This wasn't the time to panic. No, this was when I had to put my best smile on my face and make sure to make as many friends as possible.

Dormitory number 10, apartment 600.

My new home.

Contrary to a lot of people, I was one of those who truly disliked new beginnings.

'' Good evening! My name is Yoshine Nino! Before you ask, yes, I am Japanese and no, I totally never heard that question before! Nice to meet all of you! I hope we will become great- ''

I stopped in the middle of my sentence to scream in terror, while the orange haired guy who opened the door for me quickly pushed me inside the apartment and closed it. Another one dropped the sandwich he was eating on the ground and let out the longest sigh that I have ever heard. Then the third, who was the reason for my dramatic reaction, started yelling back at me with an equally terrified expression on his face. I almost got angry, because I wasn't the one between us who was standing at the entrance of the bathroom, with nothing but a towel wrapped around my waist. He came out to argue about who used the rest of his expensive shampoo when I showed up out of nowhere. His half naked body quickly turned around and he covered his behind with his hands before running back in the bathroom, while I dropped down on a chair and started catching my breath.

The orange haired one who opened the door for me grabbed a flyer for a party from the table, started fanning my reddened face with it and sheepishly smiled. '' Um... Nice to meet you? I'm sorry for him, but also, let this be a lesson not to steal his shampoo. He is very sensitive about that and he will come after you if you take it without his permission. He is the kind of person who marks his orange juice bottles with a sharpie to make sure no one is drinking them without telling him. ''

'' Are you moving in to room 600C? '' the guy who dropped his sandwich casually asked and glanced at me with a hint of interest. His head was almost completely bald and there were dark bags under his eyes. He was still standing next to his sandwich on the ground, clearly debating if he should pick it up or just leave it there.

I was about to respond, when I suddenly heard barking. My eyebrows furrowed together with confusion, then a white dog ran out of one of the rooms. My mouth fell open with disbelief, because I was one hundred percent certain that pets weren't allowed in the dormitory. It seemed like the orange haired guy who opened the door for me realised my thoughts, because he instantly defensively picked up the animal from the ground and pulled it towards him. '' This is Vivi and don't you dare report him to the housing office! He's been living in this apartment for a lot longer than you so technically anything he says, goes! ''

'' Okay... '' I reluctantly answered, feeling slightly confused by his choice of words. It wasn't that I had a problem with him having any pets or anything. '' I like dogs, but I'm- ''

I stopped in the middle of my sentence to sneeze.

'' Allergic to dogs? '' the serious guy, who ended up deciding against picking up his sandwich, finished my sentence.

The orange haired one who was holding Vivi put a hand over his heart and sighed with relief. '' Thank God, because for a moment I thought I was going to say that you are a cat person! Anyway, nice to meet you and sure, let's all get along! We knew our new roommate was going to come today and we were wondering when you were going to show up! My name is Oh Sehun and I am second year film student! ''

failures II » kpop ✓Where stories live. Discover now