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cinque: le tenebre nella sua mente

five: your dark mind 

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Teenagers were walking up the hill to school. Gathering in groups, rushing, laughing among each other. It was only a little past seven in the morning and the sun had yet to fully rise on the sky, but if you looked over your shoulder, you could already see the first tourists preparing their towels and lounge chairs on the sandy beach, among the fishermen that were returning from their early trips to the open sea. I could hear a man and a woman haggling over a kilo of sardines before I heard someone call my name. '' Jisoo! ''

I was pushing my Vespa between the students, turning my head left and right and trying to find the one that I was looking for, but there was no sight of him. I turned my head when I heard someone call my name and saw Emma, running towards me and waving her hands through the air in panic. I didn't have a lot of friends back when I still went to school, but her and I always got along. She was the daughter of a woman who specialized in guided tours to the Etna volcano and she was another one of the reasons why I knew any Korean, besides my grandmother and Kyungsoo, who taught it to me.

I opened my arms, certain that she was running towards me to give me a hug, since a long time passed from when we last saw each other, but instead she grabbed my wrist and dragged me after her. '' What are you doing? We have no time to waste! I just saw Mattia and his friends beating up a new student and we have to help him! ''

'' You mean, I have to do something, while you stand back and cheer me on? '' I asked and rolled my eyes, but I still ran after her.

She glanced over her shoulder and saw me a peace sign. '' Hey, it's not my fault that I was raised like a proper lady and that I don't know how to throw a punch! ''

I couldn't help it but to smile at the sound of her response. It made me happy to see that Emma didn't change. She still wore her blonde hair in two braids and got involved in problems that had nothing to do with her. She came from a broken home, so she had a special hatred for violence and she always tried to make sure that everyone got along, to the point where she refused to believe that some people simply weren't made for being friends with each other.

I leaped from the top of a set of stairs, flew through the air and kicked Mattia directly in the face. This was where him and his friends dragged the new student, so that they could beat him up in peace. My kick knocked him off his feet, while I landed in the bushes nearby. Some branches scratched my skin, but I quickly lifted myself on my feet again and pointed at Mattia. '' Yo, Mattia. Buongiorno. Are you still alive? Oh... merda. ''

'' What do you mean 'merda'? '' Mattia quietly repeated and raised himself in a sitting position. He was massaging a hurt spot on the back of his head, when he suddenly realised something. '' Wait, why do I have a lisp all of a sudden? You, 'puttana'! You kicked a tooth out of my mouth! ''

'' Hey, it's your own fault for going against a weakling- '' I began and pointed towards the new student that was getting beaten up, before I realised who it was and stopped in the middle of my sentence. '' Oh. It's you, Sehun. Actually, I was just looking for you. I brought you your school books. They arrived at the post office just this morning. Now, all that you have to do is sign something and you can be on your way- ''

'' Hey, I am still standing right here! '' Mattia hissed and clenched his fingers in to fists.

I resisted the urge to mock his new lisp and prepared myself to fight. Now that Sehun wasn't heavily outnumbered anymore, he could easily overpower them. The simple disagreement from the night when Mattia and Riccardo tried to steal Salvatore's hat, now turned in to a proper rivalry. Mattia wasn't used to having people who didn't want to admit that he was stronger and it was clearly infuriating him. He was always the most admired and well-known kid on our side of the island, but now things were starting to change. All of a sudden everyone was talking about the rebel who came from Milano.

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