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He was late.

The clock was ticking, minutes were passing by and he was, to say the least, annoyed. His partner accepted a mission without consulting him yet again. He tried to convince him that it was easy money, but by now he knew those words were a clear sign that he will hate the job. He wasn't wrong.

'' Baekhyun, are you sure this is the right place? '' he murmured and narrowed his eyes. He was standing on a rooftop and looking ahead. The wind was blowing in his face and he could see groups of people gathering outside on the ground.

'' Am I ever wrong? '' a male voice smugly answered through his earpiece.

Chanyeol tried to stay serious, but he couldn't hold back his smile. '' Do you really want me to answer that? Anyway, are you sure that there isn't anything specific that I should know? My task is to just find the girl by twelve and protect her, right? ''

The guy who was speaking on the other side of the line replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice: '' Yes! How many times do I have to say it to you? Easy money, right? ''

He let out a tired sigh and adjusted the black glasses that were resting on his forehead. His vision suddenly changed and began to near to the people gathering outside the tall building that was in front of him. Now he could see that it wasn't just a crowd of protesters or something similar like he first thought. There were ambulances, police cars, firemen and reporters and everyone seemed to be in panic.

'' If it's as easy and simple, then can you tell me why they just evacuated the building? ''

There was a short pause, then he heard Baekhyun's fast typing. A few moments later, he carefully answered: '' I might have forgotten to read the fine print, before I accepted the contract. They evacuated the building, because there was a bomb threat. Someone sent a message that it will explode by noon... Oops? ''

'' I thought so. I know how easy you get sidetracked by large sums of money. Also, a bomb? Seriously? And by the way, is there any particular reason why the girl is still in the building? '' he asked and his vision through his black glasses changed yet again. Now it was locating heath and he could clearly see that the only person left in the evacuated building was someone on the sixth floor.

'' I have no idea, but you should get a move on. If you don't get her out by twelve, she will go 'boom' and so will our money, '' Baekhyun carelessly replied and chuckled.

Chanyeol couldn't help it but to roll his eyes before he turned his vision through his glasses back to normal. His partner could laugh all he wanted, he was the one behind the computers somewhere far away and safe while he had to run around, do crazy things and risk his life. He looked at his watch one last time before he pulled his cap deeper on his forehead, ran to the edge of the rooftop he was standing on and jumped.

Inside the tall building, there was a young woman who was late too.

'' What am I going to do? Why didn't Hyeji-nim wake me up? Ah, I'm going to get fired! '' She was mumbling to herself with worry, shaking the handle of the locked door and trying to think of what to do. She made the mistake of falling asleep at the office and the prosecutor she was shadowing didn't see her behind the stacks of files that were covering her desk. Now she left for a meeting that she was supposed to attend too and accidentally locked Jin Sun in her office.

The woman started biting her fingernails and looking around with wide eyes. '' What am I going to do now? I knew I shouldn't have started watching that drama last night? I'm going to lose my job before I even get it! I can't let this happen. ''

Her eyes suddenly stopped on the identification card that was hanging on her neck and her lips curved in to a smirk. Moments later she was already kneeling in front of the door and trying to unlock it with the help of the card. She would never admit to any of her colleagues the truth about her rebellious teenage years. Her friends liked to call those the times before she decided to become a prosecutor and got boring. Sun always said that they should be grateful she vowed to not report any of their past misdemeanours to the law.

She clenched her fists and grinned with happiness when she heard a click and the door unlocked.

She rushed down a hallway, opened a glass door and instantly froze with surprise. The large room with countless desks that were always full of prosecutors were empty. Instead of the chatter, arguments and laughter, it was completely silent and she realised that she must have slept through something important and not just an office meeting.

The phone in her pocket rang, she quickly picked it up and heard the sound of the prosecutor that she was shadowing. '' Sun-ah? Where are you? Did you even come to work this morning? ''

'' Hyeji-nim, I was asleep at my desk this whole time! Why is the main room of our floor completely empty? '' Sun cried out with fear and slowly walked between the desks. '' Are you playing a prank on me? Is that how you initiate new prosecutors in your office? If it is, then shame on you, because I swear it's not funny. I might be bad at accepting jokes about me and laughing at myself, but I'm pretty sure this goes over the line. ''

Hyeji, sucked in a breath on the other side of the line and mumbled: '' Sun, you need to run. You need to get out of the building or- ''

The other female prosecutors couldn't finish her sentence, because then Sun suddenly noticed a figure standing behind her, screamed and threw her phone at him. The man was wearing all black, there was a cap on his head and glasses on his nose. She didn't know where he came from, she didn't even hear him, but she quickly realised that she was in danger. He let out a curse and touched the spot on his cheek where he phone hit him, while she turned around and took of running.

'' Stupid office dress code, '' she mumbled to herself, stopped to take of her heels and continued running down the hallway.

'' Hey, this is not what it looks like! '' the man in black screamed and she heard him run after her.

'' Stop chasing me, because I will pepper spray you! '' she yelled over her shoulder, not even thinking about stopping and taking a moment to hear him out. This situation was too crazy for her and she had no idea what was going on. She woke up at her desk to find her locked in her office, then the whole floor of the office was deserted and like that wasn't enough, there was a man in black who came out of nowhere and was chasing after her.

The man sighed and muttered: '' Annoying woman, you are making this way tougher than it needs to be. For the both of us. ''

Sun screamed when he grabbed her and she screamed again after he pulled out a gun and fired three shots at the glass wall that was surrounding the largest room in the whole floor. She didn't see the rope he was holding in his hand and she thought he was going to kill both of them when he lifted her in the air and ran forward. She found herself unconsciously gripping his shirt with fear and shutting her eyes, then his shoulder hit the glass wall that was cracked from the bullets that hit it and made it smash in to pieces.

The man in black and the female prosecutor swung on the rope that he tied around a piece of furniture back in the office. She was screaming the whole way to the ground and she didn't stop even when her feet touched the pavement. He grabbed her hand and started running away, then she heard him curse and whisper: '' Crap, it's twelve. ''

A loud explosion echoed through the air and the ground trembled.

'' I can't believe you finally stopped screaming, annoying woman. I thought I was going to go deaf, '' the man seriously murmured.

'' Y-You... '' Sun whispered with shock, but she couldn't form a proper sentence. She was shaken because the prosecution office she worked at just exploded and it wasn't just that - an unknown stranger saved her life. Even in that moment when she was laying on the ground, he was on top of her and protecting her body with his. '' Why? ''

She was trying to pick herself up from the ground, but her knees were too weak to hold her. The stranger was already walking away now. She realised then that she didn't even get a proper look at his face, but she knew she was never going to forget the sound of his serious, but at the same time joking voice. '' Don't delude yourself, annoying woman. It's strictly business. Go join your colleagues now. ''

It's strictly business.

With those words he was gone and she slowly turned her head back and looked at the collapsed building behind her. Her heart was racing in her chest and her hands were trembling with fear.

What the hell just happened? 

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