Chapter 5: Please, This Aint Even Jealousy...

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"Never! You are getting in this pool!" Harry demanded, setting me down, and laughing too.

I jumped onto his back, trying to mess his curls up, but it wasn't working.

"You can't mess these curls up, love." Harry held my legs, keeping me on his back, he started getting into the pool with me on his back. I could see Niall watching the whole time from the corner of my eye.

"See, it isn't that bad!" Harry chuckled, keeping me on his back.

"Yeah, you're right." I agreed, then shoved him under water, then let him back up.

"Oh...No...You...Didn't." He turned me around so he was holding me in the front, I had my arms holding his neck, laughing.

"Oh...Yes...I...Did." I mocked him, giggling.

He dipped me in the water, then laughed as I got back up.

"No, no no...if I go down, you're coming with me." I dunked both of us underwater, I opened my eyes, seeing his eyes open too, he came closer to me, bringing our lips together. So this is what it's like to have an underwater kiss, but I'd rather it be with Niall.

We came up from the water, just smiling.

"You two were underwater for a long time." Zayn interrupted.

"Yeah, you guys were." Louis laughed, splashing Zayn in the face.

I looked over at Niall who grabbed Rebecca and started kissing her.

"I liked that kiss, Harry." I looked back at Harry, who was still smiling at me. I tried saying it loud enough for Niall to hear.

"I did too." He replied, holding me by my waist.

"You guys kissed?!" Niall all the sudden made an outburst.

"Yeah, what's wrong, Niall?" I looked over at him, acting all innocent.

"Oh,..nothing, just asking..." Niall replied, a hurt expression written all over his face, but he focused back onto Rebecca, just talking to her.

I trailed my eyes back to Harry, I splashed him a little bit in the face. He gasped, splashing me right back. It turned into a water fight pretty quick.

"I...WILL...WIN!" I yelled coughing in between because of the water getting in my throat.

"NEVER!" Harry splashed more, I turned my body, so that the back of me was facing him, I started kicking water at him, then escaped out of the pool.

"YOU GET BACK HERE!" Harry laughed, jumping out of the pool, and attacking me in a hug on my back.

I giggled, we were dripped water all over the concrete.

"Niall, I have to get back to my dorm, see you tomorrow?" Rebecca told Niall, Harry and I both looked.

"Sure, I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded, then crashed his lips to hers, that hurt...

"How fast does your curls dry after you get out of water?" I asked Harry, trying to cover up what I was watching. I even started twirling some curls with my fingers, making him shiver a little.

"Depends." He answered.

"On what?" 

"If I towel dry it, blow dry it, or just let it dry on its own." He shrugged, then smiled.

"I wish I had curls like yours, they're so cute!" I gushed, they really were, I could never get my hair to do that.

"Psh, you don't need these, you're already ready gorgeous enough." Harry complimented, making me blush a little.

Rebecca walked past us, waving big time, then left the house.

Niall walked past us, angrily.

 "What's his problem?" Harry raised his eye brow, shrugging it off.

"Who knows." I shrugged, lying about it, I really want to talk to him about all of this, but that change our friendship and make us more uncomfortable...I don't want that.

"I heard that the Titanic is on t.v. tonight! Let's go watch it!" Louis pulled us into the house, throwing towels at us.

I covered up in it, as well as everyone else did. Niall looked really upset sitting at the end of the couch, crossed armed, he had a towel under him so the couch wasn't going to get wet.

Liam and Zayn ran to the couch, hopping down beside Niall, I sat beside Louis, who finally came in, then Harry jumped down next to me, wrapping one arm around my shoulder.

"I know what you're doing." Harry whispered, really quiet in my ear.

"What do you mean?" I whispered back.

"Niall. I know what's going on." 

"I don't understand..." I replied, whispering more.

"You obviously both have feelings for each other, I can help." 


"Yeah, help you make him jealous, it's working." 

"I don't want to ruin his relationship with Rebecca." 

"But you don't want him with Becca anyways, he's more into you than he is into her."

"The film is starting..." I whispered, pushing the conversation away for now.

Harry just nodded, facing his eyes to the t.v, focusing on the film.

Niall seemed so more interested with Rebecca though, the way he pressed his lips to hers as an immediate reaction...or maybe he did that because of me and Harry? No, couldn't be, he can't be interested in me in that way, could he?

Niall's POV

When Cher and Harry talked about their kiss under the me so mad, I had to just try to get her jealous, I remember crashing my lips to Becca's, trying to pretend it was Cher, but I had a lot of anger, I hope she was watching...

I looked over slightly at them on the couch, she had her head on his shoulder as he had an arm around her. Oh, how I wish that was me. (A/N: See what I did there? Alrighttttt)

I don't even care about this film right now, I want to be holding Cher, I want her to be mine, I wanted to kiss her under the water, I want to tell everyone that Cher Lloyd is my girlfriend, I want to tell everyone that management forced me to do this whole relationship thing with Rebecca, it's ridiculous how they have to make me do this, I can find my own girlfriend...actually I have...she's just not my girlfriend, I really want her to be, but it seems that her and Harry are hitting it off, why can't that be me?


Short-ish chapter, but here you go, how do you all like management? 

Fake-relationship between Niall and Rebecca?

Fake-relationship between Harry and Cher?

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- Kristin xx

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