Chapter 2 - Blackout

Start from the beginning

"Look, we will send him out as fast as possible so we can live our lives the way we wanted. But, Honey, we have to do this right and make sure he won't try to come back and we have to make sure he will be fine on his own."

"I understand, I really do. I'm just so ready for this to be over and I'm so tired of having to worry about this little ungrateful brat. I never loved him just as he has never shown a sign of care toward us."

I think... I think I'm done... listening. I've heard everything I need to hear. It's strange how that made me feel. I already knew, but... It's different to hear it like that. I also never considered the fact that they would eventually kick me out one day...

I sneak out of my window because I don't want to see them right now. It wasn't too hard since I've got nothing to hold or keep in a backpack after it all got ruined in the rain.

I head out to school, walking slower than I normally do.

Damn... Just damn! I'm gonna have to be out on my own very soon.


Once I get to school, people are kinda shocked to see me. It's probably because this is the fastest I've recovered so far. Now that I think about it, I only had small bruises and my jaw kinda hurts but, overall, I'm fine.

I wonder what happened...

I tend to wait behind the school where nobody's at, behind the trash bins. Occasionally people smoke back here, but they keep a distance from me so it's not so bad. Once the bell rings, I head straight towards first period.

Damn. I keep thinking about everything they said. I'm actually kinda bummed about all this. It wasn't nice living with them, but I enjoyed staying in my own room all day, left alone, and having a cycle.


I get to class and I sit where I was before. I totally forgot we were doing this stupid project. I'm always the first one here and well, there she is now. Lizzie. She plops her things next to me while I have my head down.


She punches the back of my head, making my headache worse. I look up, pissed as expected, however, she looked furious.

"What do you want?"
I ask.

"We have to perform, dumbass! Quite frankly, you don't know anything we are even doing and I had to do it all myself. Now, we have to perform today and I can't do it alone either, so hurry up and memorize your parts!"

"Okay, look. I'm not in the mood and I can barely even think straight, right now."

"You will do this! I'm not getting a bad grade because of your lazy ass. So hurry up and get started, now!"

She smacks the back of my head.

Ugh! I really just don't care right now, although, doesn't look like I have much of a choice.

I start going through it and... Geez, it's long. It's a whole book and a half here. We're preforming a whole play at this point!

Anyway, It's about an event During World War II... No, After World War II. Blah, blah, blah. A father comes home... To his wife and kids?

"What the fuck!"

Oops, that slipped.

"What's your issue?"
Lizzie says.

"Nathaniel, watch the language or I'll have no choice but to send you to the office!"

I tell the teacher.

"Did you even realize who you're acting with when you wrote this?"

"Nathaniel, I have to get a good grade and I'm not letting your dumbass ruin this for me, you got that?"

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