Broken Man

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He didn't have to get close to hear her voice.

The voice that had always pulled him back from the darkness. From the horror that lived inside him.

Misery slowly wormed its way, but he couldn't bring himself to regret his decision of not telling her about Kikyo, about their mating. But what difference would it make? Kagome was Kikyo, and that meant that he was also mated to her. Somehow. He knew that the inu-youkai mate for life and not even death could separate them, not even a five-hundred-year gap.

He inhaled deeply, sighing angrily as the scent of his asshole of a half-brother masked the hot spring just ahead of him. He came here out for blood, thinking Sesshomaru was in the area, but he stopped when he realized it was only Kagome. It infuriated him knowing a different scent cloaked the miko's reiki. It wasn't supposed to be this way. She had always smelled like herbs and incense—reminding him of the woman in his past, the one he had claimed to be his mate for life. Her sweet smell laced with his own.

And now...

Sesshomaru had no right mark her with his scent. The idiot should have at least known that. She had already been claimed from her past life. She was his, that much Inuyasha knew at least. Once Naraku was defeated and Kikyo's animated body was finally put to rest, he wanted to start over with Kagome—no... more like continue what they had fifty years ago, before the spider hanyou tore them apart.

He only wanted to be with her. Didn't Kagome promise to stay with him forever?

"Sango-chan, how does the mating ritual work for the inu-youkai?" Kagome's voice pierced the silence of the trees. Inuyasha's heart was wrenched. Did she really intend to be Sesshomaru's mate? Why? What did she see in his half-brother that made her change her mind?

He wanted to go to her and explain why he had to choose Kikyo. Why he had to lie. He wanted to beg her to stay. But he also knew that he had hurt Kagome deeply and he didn't deserve another chance. He almost got her killed even after he'd promised to protect her. Wasn't that the reason why tetsusaiga trusted him?

He had failed. Just like Sesshomaru had always predicted.

Now he'd lost everything.

Author's Note:

How do you think Inuyasha will act from now? Will he ever see Kagome again? There's only one thing to reveal now... is Kagome really Kikyo? How will the story play out?

Ho, ho. I feel like a writer villain teasing out possibilities. It's so good to be back, guys! I'm taking the time to go through the new comments, and I feel so happy reading your messages! I love you all.

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