Wayward Imp

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"Milord!" came the squeaking voice of Jaken as he burst into the made-up camp, dragging the two-headed dragon behind him.

The bustling stopped and all eyes turned toward Sesshomaru's retainer. This would be interesting, the daiyoukai thought mirthlessly. He watched as the imp slowly took in their new companions, his pupils nearly bulging out as he saw Rin cuddled against the miko's arms.

"Rin, you insufferable child! Get away from the hanyou's wench! Sesshomaru-sama would have my head if he learns—"

"Jaken-sama!" the child squealed, running towards the imp and crushing him with a hug. "I've missed you, Jaken-sama!"

"Get off me, you spoiled little—"

"Jaken." It was enough to make the imp stop with his antics. He straightened up and glanced in Sesshomaru's direction, eyes widening even more.

"Milord! W-what is the meaning of this?" he gestured towards the hanyou's pack.

Ignoring the question, Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow. "Where have you been?"

Eager to please his lord, he took out several withered herbs from Ah-Un's sack. "I have traveled far to get these, milord. I was told these could cure Rin's affliction."

"But I'm fine now, Jaken-sama. Kagome-nee-san took great care of me. See? I'm not ill anymore!" Rin twirled energetically and rushed back to the miko's waiting arms.

The imp's wrinkled face crumbled in mortification. "You let a ningen cure you? Nonsense! She might have easily put poison—"

The miko strode over to Jaken, her brown eyes glinting in amusement. "These are not medicinal herbs, Jaken-sama, just wildflowers," she gently chided, taking the wilted plants into her hands.

"Get away from me, ningen!" he shrieked and planted the Staff of Two Heads threateningly in front of her.

Sesshomaru tensed slightly, but his reprimand for the imp died on his lips as the miko held out her hand.

"Come, Jaken-sama," she said soothingly. "You must have been very exhausted from your travel. Have tea with me."

Jaken stuttered, surprised at the woman's kind nature. Rin took his left hand and the miko took his right. Half-dragged across the camp, his loud protests gradually died down when he was offered a cup.

Sesshomaru did his best not to stare in awe. First Rin, now Jaken. Unconsciously, the miko had gained the trust of his small pack in such a small time.

When would she turn on me?

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