Author's Note

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A nod to a Fanfiction.Net author, FORTHRIGHT, for inspiring me to write this collection. Your Sess/Kag stories Imperceptible, Lord Charming, and Unspoiled prompted me to write my own. If you're reading this, thank you.

I know this has been a constantly fleeting story, and it might have pissed you off time and time again every time I unpublish this, and then promise the ending that's always been tucked away.

Well, say no more.

The past months have been a revelation to me. I hit a roadblock because of personal issues (including the one I opened up to you in one of the chapters here), but I'm coming back strong.

I have revised the chapters you have not read yet and made some tweaks to the ending to make the story deserving of the love it has received all these years.

And now... I give to you the final version of my beloved fan fiction.

This has been truly a journey and I'm glad to have shared its best moments with you.

Thank you.


Hanzel Writes

P.S. I will be updating one chapter per day so as not to overwhelm new readers. After all, this story is better appreciated when taken slowly. ;)

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