A strange burning sensation had filled my stomach. It wasn't painfully but was slightly overwhelming. It was as if there was a ball of energy inside me, dying to get out.

"Zeke! Peyton."

"Hey Xavier. Luna? What are you doing out here?"

"Yeah it's pretty grim are you sure you can handle this in your condition?"

I forced a small smile, warmed by their genuine concern.

"I'm fine. I just really need to find my mate. Have you seen him?"

"Last time we saw him was probably half an hour ago. He was chasing a wolf into the woods, towards the south border."

Zeke stopped and looked at Peyton before continuing.

"What is it?" I urged, getting desperate.

"He specifically asked not to be followed."

"Of course he did. That's where he wants to end all this. I have a bad feeling. Let's move out now. I need you two to follow us, but at a distance, don't let anyone else see you."

"Yes Luna." They agreed simultaneously, suiting up.

"Alina we can't just go in there guns blazing. If Julius didn't want to be followed he must have something planned and we wouldn't want to put him in anymore danger."

I sighed heavily.

"I know. Which is why when we get there, you, along with the rest of the warriors are going to fall back when we reach the south border. I am the only one going in."

"With all do respect your highness, are you insane?!"

"I am partly to blame for all of this. Aaron has a huge grudge against Julius yes. But if there's anyone he hates more than Julius, it's me."

"I can't let you do this Estrella."

"You have to. Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

He handed me a small dagger, with red leather hilt.

"I'm hoping you won't have to use this. But just in case."

We made our way to the south border, careful not to draw attention to ourselves.

The grunts and growls coming from the lake were a clear indication that we were very close.

As we drew nearer, we could see that both men were in wolf form, fighting viciously in the middle of the clearing.

I couldn't jump in now. It would throw Julius off.

I watched in agony as they fought, my mate's usually shiny black fur matted with blood.

What worried me was the shiny object strapped to Aaron's hind leg. He had attempted to hide the object with his fur but somehow I could see it from here.

They looked like,


My attention then turned to several pair of eyes in the bushes opposite us.

Loving Alpha Stone [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now