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. "Hey. What's up is everything ok?" Julius asked.

I nodded.

"Yeah everything's fine. Today's been good. Alina taught me all I need to know about werewolves. And I'm slowly coming to terms with it."

"That's good. I'm glad to here it mi amor. "

I felt a pang in my chest when he called me that.

Focus Estrella!

"Alina also told me about mates." I continued. Julius stopped writing and looked up at me.

"Estrella.." he started

"No. Listen. I just want the truth. Why? Why go out with me and ask me to be your girlfriend when you've got a beautiful mate already? Leila is your Luna isn't she?"

Julius was scowling now. "What? No! When did you meet Leila? And who told you she was Luna? Yes it's true I've met my mate but it is definitely not Leila. That woman is obsessed with me and the Luna title."

I thought for a second. I was relieved Leila wasn't his mate. But his still had a mate.

"What is she like? Your mate?" I asked quietly.

He grinned at the mention of his mate.

"God she's so beautiful. There aren't words to describe how amazing she really is. She's smart and funny and so loving. She's the perfect Luna she just doesn't see it."

I laughed bitterly. Of course a perfect man like him would have a perfect mate.

For the 3rd time that day swallowed back the tears. "She loves cookie dough ice cream and Disney films. She's barely 5"5 and she's the most attractive woman I've ever seen. We've only known each other 2 months but I couldn't be happier that she's my mate ."

Wait a second.

Two months

No. Could it really be..

"Julius are you trying to say that in your mate?"

"Yes mi amor. You are"

No way! But I was human! And I definitely wasn't good enough to be Luna.

He came up towards me and grabbed both of my hands. I felt the familiar sparks again.

"You felt that didn't you? "He whispered. I nodded. "The sparks. You can't deny them Estrella. You're mine and I don't intend on letting you go." I shivered and the security of his words.

We sat down on the couch In his office and I rested my head on his shoulder, taking in all this new info.

"But can werewolves have human mates?"
Julius contemplated for a second.

"Yes they can but I admit it's rare."

I nodded. "Ok so what happens now?"

"Estrella. I need you here with me. I disliked not being able to take you home with me those couple of months. My wolf and I are adamant about keeping you safe. I just think it would be best if you stayed here."

"But what about work? And about Penny's school?" I asked.

"Work isn't an issue. I know you love your job but I need you here . And I definitely make enough for the both of us. As for Penny, this school year is basically over and she only has one year left. She could do it online or she could even attend high school with wolves here her age. But that's assuming you both choose to stay." He finished frowning slightly.

I changed position so that I was in his arms. " I just need some time to think about all this. It's all new to me." I whispered cuddling him further.

"Ok." He said nuzzling my neck.

We stayed in that position for a while just talking. I wasn't sure what the next move would be but I was definitely certain that I was slowly falling for Julius ; hard.

Sunlight streamed into the room through the window, letting me know that morning had arrived. I stood up and stretched, grabbing my stuff and heading into the shower.

The memories of last night were still heavy on my mind. I was Julius' mate! I was obviously super excited but would I be good enough to be Luna?

I had spoken to Penny last night who had actually taken it better than I thought.

She was ok about spending her senior year at another school but her real 'concern' was what her relationship with Hunter would be like.

I for one still didn't like that boy.

Once I was dressed, I joined Penny and Alina in the kitchen.

"Morning sleepy head" Alina chirped. I sat down on the island and helped myself the the food already set out.

"I've got some things to do today but Zeke and Peyton have agreed to take you both on a tour of the pack grounds." I nodded and Penny squealed. I rolled my eyes.

"Ohh a day with the sexy pack warriors uh yes please! Alas I am happily in a relationship so the flirting is going to be kept to a minimum. "

I rolled my eyes at her.

I went back upstairs to change out of my sweatpants .

First impressions were very important, especially if I was considering being Luna.

I settled on a pair of white jeans and a black Bardot top. I scraped my hair into a quick ponytail and grabbed a pair of converse.

"Penny come on let's go." I shouted. Seconds later she came out of her room wearing a belted denim mini skirt and white bandeau. "What was taking so long? " Alina asked her as we walked to the pack house.

"I needed to shave my legs again." Penny mumbled. 

"Alright girlies I will see you later." Alina waved and walked off in some other direction.

"Hello ladies." Peyton and Zeke strolled up to us.

"What's up beautiful?" Zeke said kissing Penny's hand. She blushed before quickly retracting her hand.

"Oh no you don't pretty boy. I have a boyfriend." She laughed.

"Oh well yes I am quite pretty" he said smirking.

"Well I'm guessing the attractive older sister also has a boyfriend?" Peyton asked.

"Oh even better than just a regular boyfriend." Penny sang.

Both the boys looked at me strangely.

I sighed. "I'm the alpha's mate." The surprise was written all over their faces.

"Damn. You just flirted with the Luna. If Alpha finds out you are sooo screwed." Zeke joked, recovering from his initial shock.

"Hey guys no need for titles. I'm just the same Estrella. Now let's get this tour started shall we? Where are we going first?"

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