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A/N: hey loves! I'm sorry that this is going up so late! But here it is!
Make sure to leave me comments and vote!

My eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the darkness. From what I made out, I was still in Julius' room.

My suspicions were confirmed when I looked to my left and saw my sleeping and very shirtless mate, one of his arms around my waist.

He stirred in his sleep.

I cooed at how cute and peaceful he looked.

I didn't really want to go back to my own bed. So, I decided that I would just go change and come back.

Slowly, I slipped out of Julius' hold and replaced myself with a pillow. I crept out of the room and into my own.

Once I was changed I made my way back to the room but before I could enter, a noise from downstairs distracted me.

It sounded as if someone was knocking on the door.

I glanced at the clock in the hallway.


At 3:45 in the morning?

Curiosity overcame me and I tiptoed downstairs to the front door.

This was usually the part in the horror film, where the dumb girl would go down to the basement and either get killed or attacked by the demon and or serial killer.

I looked though the peephole, only to find that there was no one there. When I opened the door, I realised that there was a little red box, sitting on the decking. Cautiously, I approached it picking it up and bringing it inside to place on a table.

Removing the lid, I braced myself for something to fly out at me or explode in my face.

But nothing did.

Inside was a card.

And a white plush toy dove .

With a stake though it's heart.

I read the message and swallowed hard.

You seem to be taking my warnings with a pinch of salt.

Never mind.

Not long until I have you all to myself little dove. I see you let that mutt leave a permanent reminder of himself on your body. My plans for you will also leave permanent marks.

There's nothing you can do.

Just be prepared.

Ok what the actual hell?!

This was the biggest threat yet; it was beyond a joke now! This person or thing seemed to know my every move. I had every reason to believe something big was going to happen. My stomach churned at the thought of all the different possibilities.

Shaken to the core, I slowly packed the box back up, unsure what to do with it. The card was bad enough but the 'dead' toy dove was the icing on the sick cake.

"What are you doing mi amor?"

I leapt half way across the room at the sound of his voice.

"Uuuuh nothing. What are you doing up so late?"

"I noticed that you weren't there. And you weren't in your room. Wait. What's that behind your back?"

"What are you talking about there's nothing behind my back." I dismissed, laughing nervously.

Loving Alpha Stone [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora