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After showering, I settled for a baggy t shirt and leggings as I wasn't planning on leaving the house at all.

It was getting harder and harder to hide the pregnancy from Julius. As werewolf pregnancies only lasted 6 months, and I was already 2 months along, my stomach was getting so big.

The coronation was tomorrow, hence the reason he'd been too busy to even notice I was putting on weight so quickly. It had been 3 weeks since Alina and I had seen doctor Parker, and everyday she had been urging me to come clean.

I of course, had done the exact opposite, even swearing the doctor to secrecy.

I had come so close to letting the cat out of the bag several times. My eating habits were changing and I was started to constantly feel like I'd done an 8K run.

"Estrella?" Penny called, knocking on the door.
"Come in." I called back.

"Hey, you got a minute?" She asked.

"Yeah I do. Why, is something wrong?"

"No. It's just I wanted to ask something."

"Ok go ahead." I responded, patting the bed next to me.

"How do you know when you're ready?"

I furrowed my brows. "Ready to do what?"

"To take the next step?" She said in a whisper.

"Next step in your academic career?"

"No next step in a relationship. You know, third base."

I stilled for a second. Was my baby sister really asking me about losing her virginity?

"Woah what's brought all this on? Did Tony say something to you? Or is he pressuring you? Because I swear to God..."

"No no no. It's nothing like that. Relax Estrella, working yourself up isn't good for the baby."

My breathing hitched in my throat.

"Baby? What baby? "

"There's no need to hide it. I already know. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

I sighed. "We will get to that later. Now, you were saying something about being ready to lose your virginity?"

"That's just it. I don't know if I'm ready. I know that I love and care about Tony. And I don't see myself with anyone else. How will I know when the right time is?"

"Penny. You will feel it when it's the right time. Anyone can have sex. It's just..sex. But it becomes something more like a commitment when it's with someone you truly and deeply love. If you know that you're going to regret it the next day, don't do it. Don't rush, it will happen when you are both ready."

"Wow. Thanks Estrella. I actually thought you were going to say no sex before marriage."

"Well one that would make me a hypocrite. And two, we both have mates. I've come to accept that the mating bond is something so much deeper than regular human marriage." I laughed, shrugging. "Now back to how you know about my, current situation."

"Well your eating habits have been so weird recently. And you're filling out quite a bit. Usually I would think nothing of it because periods cause a similar kind of thing but this time it was just, different."

"Is it really that noticeable?" I asked worriedly.

"No not really. I just happen to know you really really well. Little changes are always obvious to me. So, have you and Julius been to the doctors yet?"

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