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"No I don't want to!" I whined.

"Yeah I agree with Estrella, not happening!" Penny chimed in.

Julius, Tony,Xavier and Alina were currently trying to to convince Penelope and I that we needed to see our father who was currently in Julius' office at the pack house.

"Come on you two, don't be brats. You need to do this. You need closure. And you also need to know if you're going to experience any other symptoms." Alina reprimanded.

"Yes but I still need time to process everything. How about some time next week?" I bargained.

"It's been a week Estrella. And besides he's already here we can't just tell him to piss off. " Alina argued back.

"Fine but you are taking me out for gelato after" Penny huffed.

I sighed knowing that they were all right.

It was now or never. We made our way to the pack house and met my father sitting down looking very nervous.

I sat at the opposite side of the table with Penny and Julius either side of me.

I'll admit that I made no effort to engage in conversation at first but I did my best to remain calm.

"Thank you for letting me see you. First I just want to explain why I left that night.
As you know angels are very rare. But humans with angel genes are even rarer. I fell in love with your mother when I was much, much younger. She was the first human I ever told my secret. She was only 20 when we got married and when she got pregnant the first time, we didn't know what to expect. The chance of a half bred angel surviving was 20/100. But we managed to have two beautiful half bred daughters. I knew from the moment you were born, that you would show the angel genes. And I also knew that there were people who would take advantage of that. So for your safety your mother and I, along with the help of a witch, found away to subdue the genes ensuring that you seemed and smelled human to everyone else. This worked but I was still attracting danger, something I could not control as I am fully angel. We went back to the same witch hoping that she could shed light on the matter. She said that she could ensure your protection but I would have to leave. Your mother she was.... hysterical. She was completely dismissive of the idea. But I had to do what was right. So that night I packed up and left to ensure your safety."

Silence followed.

"I had no idea what was going on. I tried to call and get in touch but your mother never let me. She told me that you were much happier with me out of your life. If I had known that she would do what she did I never would have left you with her."

And then came the waterworks.

I was bawling my eyes out along with Alina and even Penny.

"2 years. Everyday for 2 years I waited by that front door for you to 'get back from work' ". Penny spoke.

"Pennique I'm so sorry. But I loved the both of you too much. I still do. I couldn't bear the thought of you being in danger because of me."

"It will take a while to repair the years of damage. But thank you for explaining."I spoke my voice a little stronger now.

"You're welcome. Now about your change. Now that the genes have been activated , it can happen at any time. Anything could trigger them"

"Wait what do you mean by them?"

"Your powers. I don't know what they will be yet."

"Powers?" Penny and I said simultaneously.

"Yes powers. Because again, am fully angel I have quite a few of them. And because of this you will both need training."

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