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After 3 hours including a stop back at the pack house for lunch, we had seen nearly all of the territory.

First we'd seen the rest of the pack house, including the library, the games room,the meeting hall and the garden that had a huge pool.

I loved how the pack worked together and functioned like a close knit community. We'd visited so many places but my favourite had to have been the little lake in the woods close to the south borders.

We hadn't gone into the pack hospital but we'd passed it on our way. It was a little smaller than a regular hospital and looked more like a hotel in my opinion.

Our last two stops were the children's daycare and the training grounds.

"Ok here we have the demons' hideout." Peyton cringed.

"Demons?" I laughed.

"Oh yes milady demons. This is where the come when they're bored or their parents are too busy with pack duties.

I volunteered here once before I became a warrior. Never again." He visibly shivered at the memory.

. The place was huge and had different sections which I guessed was to accommodate all the different age groups. On one side of the centre there were things like a reading corner and a dressing up corner.

Then in contrast, on the other far side were computers, games consoles and reading desks. I guessed that this side was for older children, maybe 14 and upwards.

The toddlers, who immediately noticed the presence of newcomers left what they were doing and approached us. Of course they recognised Zeke and Peyton but not Penny and I.

I held back the urge to awwwwww. I just adored little children. Penny and Zeke were running away from boys chasing them with paint while Peyton was talking to a lady behind the front desk.

A little boy with green eyes and dark curly hair came skipping towards me. He looked about 5 or 6. "Hi. What's your name?" He asked.

I knelt down to talk to him. "Hi there. My name is Estrella. What's your name sweetie?"

He hesitated for a moment before answering. "My name is Daniel. But you can call me Danny." He said.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the play area with the reading corner.

"Estrella? Could you read me and my friends a story please?". He pointed towards an area where other little children were sat.

His werewolf genes were definitely enhancing his puppy dog eyes. I nearly melted under his gaze.

"It would be my pleasure Danny." He giggled and took my hand as we walked over to the bookshelf. I picked out a book and made myself comfortable in front of the kids.

The Little Angel.

I read the story aloud as they listened intently.

Long story short, it was about a little angel in
training who hadn't received her wings. Her peers teased her constantly and called her terrible names which made her miserable. One day she risks her life to save a wolf being attacked by a huntress. Then out of nowhere her wings sprout and they were bigger than all her friends' wings. She then became an envy amongst her peers and every supernatural creature wanted the power she held but she vowed to live the rest of her life using her power to fight evil and helping others regardless of her new found fame.

The children clapped once I'd finished reading. The story was heart warming. I used to read similar books to Penny when she was little.

The same way my dad had read to me.

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