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A/N: Hey lovelies! Brand spanking new chapter! Now I'm currently very busy but I will try to still update Mondays and Fridays.
As always comments are always very much appreciated!

Oh and a quick note, Pennique is Spanish for Penny!

I was completely lost for words.

My mate was a hybrid!

Did she even know?

And how come I couldn't smell it?

Her scent was completely human! So many questions whizzed through my mind.

"They have regular human genes. But I also found some dormant supernatural genes when analysing their DNA. It's almost as if the genes had been, suppressed. " The doctor continued.

"Well how does that explain what happened to them last night?"

The whole ordeal was so confusing!

"Well it seems like those dormant genes have some how managed to become active in their systems. It's like when we shift for the first time. I've only seen a case like this once before. I would think it best for the Luna and the Gamma female to go and see The Elders."

"What do you mean by a case like this? We've seen wolf hybrids, vampire hybrids even demigods?!"

"But nothing like this Sir. The insane body temperature, the glowing skin it only points to one thing. The Gordon sisters are half..."

I was still trying to make sense of the situation on my way back home.

Estrella and Penny were a very rare type of being. This meant that one of their parents had to have been a full supernatural and the other human. What scared me the most was that I was sure neither of the girls had any idea.

I walked into the bedroom to check on Estrella. But getting closer I picked up a new scent ; one that I wasn't familiar with.

I opened the door expecting to find someone completely different yet I only found my mate, who was all cleaned up and sitting on the bed reading a book.

Upon seeing me she placed the book down and smiled, waiting for me to come take a seat beside her.

"Well what did the doctor say?" She asked apprehensively. I sat down trying not to show the fact that I was freaking out.

Being closer to Estrella made me realise that the new scent was coming directly from her!

"What is it Julius your silence is freaking me out!"

"Well uh we need to go and see The Council of Elders ; You remember them don't you? The doctor assured me that they will be able to help you a little more than she can."

She furrowed her eyebrows looking up at me. "Yeah I remember them, but how can a council of old supernatural beings help me? I'm human and there's a chance I may be sick."

I sighed. "Estrella you just have to trust me ok? We need to leave now. I promise everything will be clearer once we're there." I placed a kiss on her forehead before getting up to leave and speak to Penny and Tony.

Estrella POV

Ok I was freaking the hell out!

Julius' almost cryptic words had my imagination running wild. What the hell was happening to my sister and I? And how were a council of wise mythical creatures going to help us?

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