Chapter 25 Christine's pov

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Mina trailed behind through the tunnels. She was dragging the stroller. I felt awful that she had to drag it behind her, maybe I should've left Gustave with Erik. But Erik couldn't feed him, so I had to take him with us. Gustave was gurgling and yawning in my arms. As soon as I placed him in the stroller he'd probably fall asleep. We came out the back entrance of the opera house that opened up into small alleyways. The alleys were mostly run down buildings and shops, but there were a few businesses left open. Mina put the stroller in front of me. I placed Gustave inside and started to push him as we made our way to the dress shop. Apparently we were going to the same shop Erik had gotten my dress from. I smiled at the memory of our untraditional wedding.


Mina's voice pulled me from my daydream.


What kind of dress did you have for your wedding?

It was actually a last minute thing. Erik went out early the morning of our wedding to get things for it, including my dress. It was elegant in a simple way. Beautiful. Perfect. We had a very untraditional wedding, but we are a very untraditional pair."

I smiled.

"That's so sweet! You two are perfect for each other!

As are you and Daroga!

You think so?

She flushed bright red.

"I do, I can tell he loves you very much.

You can?

Of course."

We entered the dress shop and a woman with a bright smile greeted us.



Hello there.

How may I help you today?

I'm getting married, and I need a dress. Could you show me what you have?

Of course. Will you be needing a dress as well?

Oh no. I'm here to help her decide.

Alright. Follow me."

And we did. She led us to the section of the store filled with white frilly fabric. Mina fingered the dress and I sat down in a small armchair. She went through the dresses and grabbed all the ones they had in her size. I chuckled as she took all twelve dresses into the fitting room. The dress shop was empty except for us and the workers. It was a beautiful little shop. Dresses from all over the world filled the hangers. Gustave stirred and I gently pushed the stroller back and forth, making a rocking motion. He drifted back to sleep and I continued rocking him. Mina came out of the dressing room to show me the first dress. It looked alright. She looked in the mirror then to me. I shook my head. Dress after dress she tried on and none of them looked dazzling on her. She had two left. Again, she came out of the dressing room. I was taken aback by her appearance. The beautiful fabric hugged her body perfectly. The elegant neckline and beading complimented her shape.

"Oh Mina. you look beautiful."

She turned the mirror.

"Really Christine?

Oh, of course! Simply stunning! Why, Daroga will feint at the sight of you in this dress!"

She gave me a warm smile

"Do you think I need to try on the other one?

No. of course not. That one is beautiful."

She smiled and went back into the dressing room. I put the dresses back on the rack as Mina purchased her dress. She skipped towards me with a garment back in hand.

"Are you hungry?

I could eat.

How about lunch?

Daroga's Cafe?

Of course."

And with that we thanked the shopkeepers and headed out for lunch.

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