Chapter 31; Christine's POV

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I turned to Mina. She was breathtaking in her dress. Daroga took her hand. He was in tears. They were streaming down his face. I smiled as silent tears trickled from my eyes. Erik caught my eye and gave me a smile. His eyes too were glazed over with tears. He was happy for his friend. The sound of the organ blaring had stopped. Mina had taken Daroga's hand and were now standing together, waiting to be united in holy matrimony. Gustave was sound asleep in my arms. He made little noises as he slept. Robin smiled at me with tears flowing. I wondered how it felt to know your parents were happily crying as you were getting married. The priest began to speak and I pushed the thought from my head. The priest continued to speak. After a moment he asked for the rings. Erik dug through his pockets, pretending to have lost them. Daroga took them from Erik and elbowed him. I chuckled to myself. My boys. Daroga nervously says his vows and slips the ring on Mina's finger. She takes her turn and lovingly vows to be the best wife she can. I glance at Erik.

"I love you."

He mouths to me. Thats when I lose it. The tears that had built up spill from my eyes. Erik is crying now as well. We exchange smiles. Daroga kisses Mina and they're officially married. Xavier and Robin run over to them. I follow. Erik clapped Daroga on the shoulder while I hugged Mina.

"How does it feel to be married?

It's wonderful! I get to spend the rest of my life with him!"

She looked at Daroga adoringly as he was talking to Erik and Xavier. Robin hugged us both with tears still in her eyes.

"My little Mina! I'm so happy! You're so big now! So grown up! I remember when you were that big."

She motioned to Gustave.

"Christine, darling treasure this time. They grow up so fast!

I will, don't worry. Robin? Would you like to hold him?"

I don't know why I asked, but I did. She excitedly nodded and gently took him from my arms.

"Oh he's so little. So beautiful. Just like his Mama.

Oh, I think he looks more like Erik."

I smile and turn to him. The men are still chatting. She smiled at me and gives him back. For a moment he stirs, but then settled in my arms. Erik glided over to me and gently kissed me.



I smile.

"You did a great job up there.

You think so? Why thank you. I hope you don't mind, but I invited everyone for champagne and a bite to eat. Is that alright?

If course dear. They're family."

I smile. Erik takes my hand and we say goodbye to everyone for the time being. They'll be at our home soon. We climbed into the carriage Daroga had rented for the day and made our way home.

Once Upon Another Time...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon