Chapter 23; Christine's POV

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Erik had grown accustomed to not wearing his mask very often, mostly unless we were in public. Even though Gustave was only a few weeks old, we wanted him to be used to his father's face, not afraid of it. We had moved the bassinet into our room, so we could get to Gustave more quickly plus Daroga and Mina were still with us. Every night Erik played the lullaby he had written for Gustave. I had learned to lyrics, so sometimes I sang with him. Sometimes I was to exhausted to leave my bed. Erik was holding Gustave above him and talking to him in a high pitched voice. Baby talk.

"Hello. Hello. Hello Gustave!"

Gustave smiled at him and I smiled at the both of them. He held him close now and cooed softly. Erik was worried before, that he was going to be a bad father, but he was wonderful. Whenever Gustave cried he rushed to see what was wrong. He helped me change and wash his diapers. He even gave me breaks so I could rest, neither of us had been getting much sleep. Erik was used to that, but I wasn't.

"I think someone is tired. I'll rock him to sleep and then we can have some time to ourselves.


He kissed me and let me kiss Gustave. I watched him glide into our room. Daroga and Mina were out making plans for their wedding. I heard feint singing from my room. Erik singing to Gustave. His voice gave me chills. I tried not to nod off, so I got up from the couch and wandered about the room. I looked at the books on the shelf. I went to Erik's desk and fingered the music score. It was Gustave's lullaby. As I looked at it I noticed the singing had stopped. Quietly as I could, I walked into my bedroom. Erik had Gustave cradled in his arms. They were both asleep. I smiled and gently took Gustave and placed him in the bassinet. Erik stirred a bit, but stayed sleeping. I walked back to the front room grabbed a book from the shelf and took it to the couch with me. As I read I hummed the lullaby. It had been stuck in my head since Gustave had been born. Before I knew it I was nodding off.



I jumped Erik's face was inches from mine.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you..."

He looked at the ground. I felt awful that he thought his uncovered face had scared me.

"You didn't scare me. You surprised me. That's all."

I pulled him on top of me and kissed him passionately.

"Is Gustave still asleep?

He is.


Erik laid next to me. He held me close and we kissed. It was nice. We hadn't done this since before he had been born. Just as Erik's lips made it to my neck we heard splashing from the other side of the lake. Daroga and Mina were back.

"Damn. We will continue this later."

Erik promised me as he sat up. I rested my legs on his lap and he played with my hands. Mina skipped to the room with Daroga trailing behind her.


She blurted.

"Shhhh Gustave is sleeping!"

Erik hushed her.

"Oh, I'm sorry.

How did everything go?

Oh, Christine it was lovely! We booked the church and my family is coming from Spain!

Do you have a dress?

I'm getting one tomorrow would you like to come you can bring Gustave!"

I glanced at Erik.

"Go, have fun Christine. Daroga and I will have fun here.

Indeed we will!"

I chuckled at him.


Mina went to start dinner. Since Gustave was born she had been doing household chores. Everyday I urged her not to, but she told me I needed a break that I needed rest. It was true. I was incredibly tired. I could've fall end asleep standing up.

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