Chapter 12; Christine's POV

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Erik and I were still sitting on the sofa. He had is head on my lap and his hand on my stomach. He was singing a lullaby to our unborn baby with a huge smile across his face. I caressed his cheek and smiled at him as he sang. He wasn't wearing his mask. I loved when I felt comfortable enough not to wear it. Besides when we were being intimate or sleeping. It made me happy, because I knew he felt safe. I kissed his forehead and he smiled up at me.

" I love you Erik.

I love you too Christine.


Yes dear?"

There was another loud crash from above us. We both tensed up.

"I know it's probably nothing, but-

Yes, I will go see what's going on up there."

He smiled up at me. As he sat up he gave me a small peck on the lips. There was another crash. I watched him put his mask on. He turned to me with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright. I'll be alright. So will you."

He kissed my cheek and I watched and he glided towards the lake. As he started to paddle he turned and waved with a grin on his face. I waved back and smiled at him. My Erik. The sweetest man I've ever known. I laid back down and closed my eyes. My hands were resting on my stomach, I though about our little baby. Little Gustave, or Rosalie. No matter what, we'd have a beautiful baby.


I was holding something small in my arms. I had to make myself focus to see what it was. It was a baby! A baby swaddled in blankets. Erik was sitting next to me, tears in his eyes. Everything was blurry. I was crying as well. Something red caught my eye. There was a figure, crouched at the edge of the bed. It had red, glowing eyes. I focused harder and saw who it was. Raoul. He bared a set of pointed teeth.

"How could you Christine? You had everything! You had me! With him? A child with that thing!?"

He growled as he inched closer. I wanted to get up. Run. Turn to Erik. Scream. Something. But I couldn't. Raoul was everywhere.

"He took something from me. Now I'm going to take something from him."

He grinned. I watched helpless as he ripped the baby from my arms. The baby was shrieking and crying for me. I couldn't move. I wanted to badly to move and take the baby, my baby. He ran off cackling with my crying baby. I started to scream.

"Christine!? What's wrong? Everything's alright. I'm here."

Erik had my shoulders gently in his hands. A dream. Just a dream.

"I-I'm fine."

My lip quivered as I fought back tears.

"Are you sure? You were fidgeting and talking. Screaming almost. I've never heard you talk in your sleep.

I'm alright... I promise."

I reached up and kissed him.

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