Chapter 29; Christine's

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It was late. Erik and I were still awake, chatting quietly in the front room.

"Christine. He smiled at me today! He wasn't frightened of me.

Why would he be? You're his father.


He looked away and put a hand to his gnarled cheek. I covered his hand with mine.

"Erik, Gustave will love you no matter what.

I know, I'm just so worried. What if I frighten him? That's the last thing I want to do Christine!

I know Erik. But I'm sure that the less you wear your mask, the more accustomed he will be to you. When he grows older, then you can cover it if you wish. For now, leave it be. Don't hide your face Erik."

I kissed his twisted cheek and smiled lovingly as I pulled away. He knew I was right. He kissed me tenderly and took my hands in his.

"I have no idea what I did to deserve you, but I thank God every day and night that I did. I love you, with all my heart. You, and Gustave are the best thing that ever happened to me."

He pulled me to his chest and kissed my hair. I yawned and he pulled me up.

"Time for bed.

Yes, it is."

He guided me to our room, I was ready to put an end to this long day. I didn't feel the need to change into nightclothes, I was too tired. So, I sleepily stripped down to nothing and climbed into bed. Erik did the same. I curled into his chest and waited for sleep.


Gustave had only woken us twice to eat during the night. I fed him and he went right to sleep as Erik sang to us both. His voice always put me to sleep, ever since he had first sang to me at night. Today was Daroga and Mina's wedding day. I smiled, thinking of my own wedding. How beautiful it was. Their wedding was to be at a little church they had booked. Daroga had met Mina's family already, but today would be our first time meeting them. Erik's arms were wrapped tightly around me, I was pressed against his warm muscular chest. His breathing was even, he was still asleep. I smiled at him and carefully wrapped my arms around his neck, not wanting to wake him. He made a small noise, jumped and relaxed as his eyes opened.

"What's wrong Erik?

Nothing. Just a strange dream.

What was it?

Don't worry."

And with that he sat up and we both put clothes on. I decided on a royal blue dress. Erik put on his dress clothes. He was Daroga's best man. I took Gustave in my arms and we all padded to the front room. Mina and Daroga were already gone, preparing things for the ceremony. I hope they explained Erik's mask to Mina's family. Erik and I ate a quick breakfast so we could help Daroga and Mina set things up. I made sure Gustave was set and we were off through the tunnels. Erik trailed behind me, letting me lead the way. We were met out front by a carriage. It was small and elegant, pulled by one big white horse. Erik helped me inside, climbed in and we were off. The church was on the other side of town, I was thankful we didn't have to walk. I watched Erik adjust his mask and fiddle with his hands. He was nervous. I was nervous as well. For the wedding and to meet Mina's family. Gustave was sound asleep in my arms. The carriage ride was smooth and short. It was only a moment until we arrived at the church.

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