Chapter 9;Erik's POV

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Daroga and I were coming to shore and Christine walked towards us.

"Erik this is wonderful! I'm so happy for you! And I'm going to be an uncle!

Haha yes, Uncle Daroga."

We stepped out of the boat and Christine greeted us.

"Did you miss me?

I always do."

She reached up and gave me a quick peck on the lips. We both turned to Daroga who had a large grin on his face.

"Why hello Daroga how're y-"

He scooped her up in his arms and twirled her.

"Hey hey easy! My child is in there!


He put Christine down and smiled at us.

"I'm just so happy for you two! And I'm going to be an uncle!

Yes! Uncle Daroga.

Whatever the child decides to call me I won't mind. So, they're remodeling tomorrow eh? That's unfortunate. There's always room for you guys if you need it. Have you though of names?"

He asked as we sat on the sofa. Christine and I looked at each other.

"It's a little early for that.

Yeah I mean I'm not even showing yet.

Well you could still start. I mean Daroga is a lovely name in my opinion..."

We all chuckled.

"I'm just letting you know it is an option.

We'll take it into consideration."

Christine smiled.

"No we won't."

I retorted. Christine got that sleepy look in her eye that she usually got around this time of night. She rested her head on my shoulder and I held her close.

"I think you should get to bed my dear.

I'm fine Erik. I'm not that tired"

She yawned.

"Christine, it's not good for you to exhaust yourself. It's not good for the baby.

I know... but we have a guest.

I'm here, I'll talk to him.

But I need you to sing to me.

Daroga, do you mind?

Not at all. I'm sure I can find something to do."

He smiled and I gave him a look. Carefully, I scooped Christine up and carried her to our room. She sleepily changed and I heard Daroga playing my violin. Not what I was expecting at all. He was mischievous, I wasn't expecting him to do nothing, but cause trouble. Christine laid on the bed and I stroked her hair as I sang to her. Daroga tried to play what I sang, he did a fairly good job of it. She drifted in and out of consciousness for a while until finally, after about fifteen minutes I heard her tiny snore. As tenderly as I could I stood from the bed and quietly closed the door behind me as I left.

"So, Erik why am I here?"

Daroga asked as I sat next to him,

"Daroga... She's pregnant....What am I to do? What if, what if the child looks like me? I don't want my son or daughter to have to live like this. I of course would love the child dearly, no matter what. But I would never wish this upon anyone. People can escape their nightmares Daroga. Mine is a part of of me! Nobody deserves that Daroga, nobody..."

I put my face in my hands. Tears started to escape my eyes as hard as I tried to fight them, they flowed. He patted my back as I tried to calm myself.

"Erik, if the child is deformed, they'll have you and Christine to love and guide them. To help them through life. To teach them how to cope. You will be a great father Erik. Don't worry about it, everything will pan out.

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