Chapter 5;Erik's POV

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I watched Christine as she prepared the meat. She salted and peppered it as I cut up onions, potatoes and carrots. Helping always made things go by faster.

"Christine, what do I do with these vegetables?

I'll show you, come here."

I obeyed and moseyed towards her with the tray of vegetables.

"Here, lay them around the roast. Like this, see?"

She demonstrated and I copied her.

"Yes just like that. You're a wonderful cook!

All I did was copy you Christine."

I chuckled at her. We finished laying the vegetables and she put the tray into the wood stove to roast. We washed our hands and waited for it to cook. Christine sat and read her book. I sat back at my desk and added to my newest composition. I still composed, just for myself. It kept me going. Even though I had Christine, I still needed my down time. The time to just do what I loved. And that was write music. My fingers grazed the keys of the organ. I added a few more notes to the score. As I tilted my head and looked at the score again I felt Christine's eyes on me. I turned to her.

She was peeking up from her book. I could see the smile in her eyes. So beautiful.


Nothing, I just like watching you write.


I blushed. The smell of the food wafted from the oven. It made my mouth water. I shook my head and went back to my music. The notes were sweet and ecstatic. This song was about Christine, but it was happy. About our marriage. A smile stretched across my face as I played what I had written, knowing she'd enjoy it. She enjoyed all the music I wrote, no matter what it was about. I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. She pulled me close and and I kissed her jaw.

"It's beautiful if that's what you're wondering."

She whispered.

"Thank you Christine."

She hugged me and sat next to me on the bench at the organ. I continued to press the keys and add notes to the score as Christine rubbed my arm. She rested her head on my shoulder. I turned to her and kissed her head.

"Am I distracting you?

A bit, yes.

Well, dinner is almost done.

Good. I'm starved and it smells wonderful.

It does. Come on. Let's go check it."

She took my hand and guided to the stove.

"I'll set the table.

I'll check the roast."

I pulled plates, goblets, forks and knives from the cabinet. Quickly I set the table and ran to get some wine. Something not too strong, for Christine would get carried away sometimes. I didn't mind, as long as she was happy. As fast as I could, I ran back to the dining area where Christine had the roast ready to be cut on the table.

"Here, take this and I'll cut that."

I handed her the wine and dug for a carving knife. I carved all of the meat with great speed and served both of us. I even put some vegetables on our plates. Christine poured the wine and we made a toast.


To us, and Daroga. May he be as happy as you and I."

She raised her glass and we ate.

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