Chapter 10;Erik's POV

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Today was the day. A team of people would come into the theatre and start remodeling it. Would Christine and I be safe? All I could do was hope and pray. Daroga had left late last night, making sure I was alright. He made sure I was well enough to be left alone. I hadn't slept much. Horrible thoughts flooded my head. Having to flee here, my child looking like me, Christine getting hurt in either situation. I held Christine and stared at the ceiling for most of the night. Her soft snore helped me drift out of consciousness every now and again, but not very often. It was very early, only seven in the morning. I grew anxious. I needed to walk around, make sure nobody was here yet. So, I hopped out of bed, quickly changed into my night clothes. Black on black. I even wore my hat and cape. Before I left I wrote Christine a note.


I've gone to make sure nobody is here yet, I left at around seven. if I'm not back by noon I want you to leave. Run. Take our things and go. Go to the cafe. Tell Daroga I haven't returned. Tell him to come to the opera house. He knows his way around. I love you so much. With my whole heart. I love our son or daughter just as much.

Love Always,


I didn't want to scare her, but anything could happen. She was still snoring as I set the note on the pillow next to her. I kissed her forehead. I ran my fingertips across her stomach as well and then went to wander the tunnels of the building. It was colder than expected. I got chills. Wether it was from the cold temperature, or if something was going to happen I didn't know. There was a noise from the entrance. I sprinted through the tunnels and peeked through the door. There was a team of what looked like four construction workers trailing what I assumed to be Mr. Waldhramm. He was a large man, very plump. His hair was red and thinning. He wore night clothes and a monocle. He had squinty blue eyes and a red walrus mustache. I wanted to laugh at the sight of him. I watched as he bent down and picked up my note. He Looked the envelope over.

"What is it Monsieur?

It seems to be a note, addressed to me..."

He had a very thick German accent.

"Well read it!

Go on.

Yes do!

Yes read it aloud!"

He tore the envelope opened with his chubby red fingers and I bit my lip.

"Bonjour Monsieur,

I welcome you, as the new owner to my opera house."

He paused.

" Being from Germany, you may not recall the events that closed down this beautiful building. I advise you to do your research and ask someone who does recall what happened. I will be leaving you instructions of how to run the theatre. If you do not comply, well some disastrous things have occurred and they may occur again."

His eyes widened and he turned to his team. They all looked just as confused as he. I shook with silent laughter.

" I suggest you leave the dressing room on the second floor untouched, the one with the large floor to ceiling mirror. I also suggest that you leave twenty-thousand francs in box five every month. Considering you sell raw materials, this should be p-pocket change for you. I look forward to working with you Mr.Waldhramm.


Sweat beaded on his forehead. He had no idea what to make of the note. His workers looked at each other, puzzled looks on all four of their faces.

"Well Monsieur? Do we comply with this O.G.?

F-First I think we'd better find out why the theatre closed in the first place... Pierre please go, find out? a-ask anyone. Now!"

He was still a bit frightened. I could tell he was going to be easy to work with. Unlike the two previous owners. I knew I would get my way now. The man called Pierre ran out the door and Waldhramm continued into the theatre. I no longer felt to need to watch them. Christine was probably worried, I made my way back to her. I ran back to her as fast as my legs could carry me. When I came to the boat I saw Christine pacing the floor. When the water splashed she turned to me with a look of relief on her face. I felt awful for worrying her so much. She ran to the waters edge as I paddled the boat. I used all the strength I had. She got closer and I could see the tears in her eyes. She was crying, but smiling in relief. As soon as I could stand in the water I threw the anchor in and jumped out. She ran towards me soaking her dress.

"I'm sorry.

I'm just happy you're alright.

I know. I shouldn't have worried you like that. I'm so sorry Christine."

I kissed her and she flung herself at me. We fell backward into the lake. We both started to chuckle.

You were very worried hmm?

Of course. You're my one and only Erik. I love you!

I love you too Christine."

I gave her a peck on the cheek.

We stood up and climbed out if the lake. Her dress was drenched, so were my pants and bits of my coat. Her teeth started to chatter.

"Christine? Are you okay?

I'm fine. Just a little cold.

Lets get you out of those clothes and by the fire. I'll put the kettle on.


We trotted the the bedroom and she ripped off her clothes. After I changed I ran and filled the kettle with clean drinking water. I put it on the fire and went back to the bedroom. Christine was just done changing. I went to my old room and took one of the blankets from the bed and wrapped her in it.

"Warm yet?

Lets sit by the fire.


I kissed her cheek and scooped her up into my arms. She giggled as we plopped down on the sofa. She snuggled me close and I wrapped my arms tight around her.

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