Chapter 20

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As we sat and talked, Christine's face went from smiling and having a wonderful time, to a twisted mask of shock.


Her eyes were wide and she was holding her stomach.

"Christine? What is it?"

Her face was paler than snow and her eyes wide with fright.

"Christine? Is it time?

Yes, I think so!"

My jaw dropped and I could feel myself grow pale.

"Erik, help me get her to your room! Daroga, towels and warm water from upstairs and hurry! Alright?


Christine. Calm down, just breathe."

I pulled Christine from the couch and helped her to our bedroom. Both of us were breathing deeply. I thought I was going to pass out before we got there. I laid her down and Mina stood on the other side of her.

"It's a good thing you're in your nightgown. Erik, are you alright? You look as if you've seen a ghost. Why don't you sit down?"

I nodded and sat in the chair in the corner of the room. Christine looked at me panic stricken. I looked back at her, the same frightful look in my eye. She could be hurt. So could the baby. Christine beckoned to me. I pulled the chair closer to her and grasped her hand in mine.

"Erik, I don't want you to worry about me. I'll be fine.

I'll be right here.

No, I don't want you to see this Erik.

But, Christine?

Erik, everything will be fine."

I leaned towards her and kissed her with all my might. With all my passion. I could lose her during childbirth. The thought horrified me. A tear trickled down my cheek. I pulled away and saw Christine was crying as well. We both knew childbirth was hazardous. I kissed her hands and went to leave. She sadly smiled at me as I turned back to look at her, for what could be the last time.

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