Chapter 8; Christine's POV

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It was the night before people would return to the opera house. For months now it was just Erik and I. I had also revealed to Erik that I was pregnant. He wouldn't let me do anything by myself. He would try to help me walk everywhere. He made dinner for us. It was cute, but was going to get old after nine months. I had decided to sit in bed and read. Erik was in the front room, either baby proofing or planing on what he'd do if they found us. Both options made my smile a little. He was so protective, but not in a bad way. I looked up from my book as he strutted into our room with two large suitcases.

"Erik what are y-

Just a precaution incase we're disturbed."

He put the suitcases on the floor and started to pack. First mine. I nodded to myself. It was a good idea.

"Where would we go Erik?

I'm sure Daroga would let us stay with him. Especially considering..."

He eyed my stomach and smiled.

"It would only be for a short time, until we had enough to find our own place.

Maybe you should talk to him, before they come and start remodeling.

Good idea. I'll be back soon. Don't do anything too strenuous while I'm gone, alright?


I chuckled as he kissed me. I followed him from the bedroom and watched as he crossed the lake. He turned around and blew me a kiss. I caught it and rubbed it onto my stomach. Even from the other side of the lake I saw Erik's wide grin. I waved as I watched him enter the tunnels and turned to go back to my reading. I became lost in my book. Tales of a handsome prince and his fair maiden. He had rescued her from a hideous beast. Yes. Very similar to me. Erik had rescued me from a hideous beast. I smiled as I read. After a minute or two I finished the book, so I went to the front room and looked for something else to do. I went to Erik's desk and picked up a music score. It was from long ago, before I had met him. I studied it and played the notes on the organ as I hummed along. It was beautiful, Erik never ceased to amaze me. Everything he wrote was a masterpiece. I began to try singing the song.

"How this heart, this ugly heart aches. Love is something I've never know. One day I'll find it. One day I'll feel it."

I heard a splash and turned to see Erik and Daroga in the boat. Daroga had a huge smile on his face.

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