Chapter 30; Erik's POV

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The coachman opens the door for us as we pull up to the church. It's a large stone building.They're light, gray bricks. The windows were huge, stained glass. Pictures of bible stories depicted in them. I help Christine out of the carriage and we make our way inside the church. The inside is even more beautiful than the outside. Beautiful marble statues everywhere. Hand carved wooden pews. Daroga greets us.

"Erik! Christine!Gustave! Welcome."

His arms are wide opened, a wide grin on his face.

"Hello Daroga!"

He pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him and looked passed him. There, with Mina was what I assumed to be her parents. A small frail woman with wildly curly black hair. And a tall thin man with all of Mina's features. Mina looked in our direction and smiled. Daroga let me from his grip and Mina waved us over. I gently gripped Christine's hand and led her in their direction. Her parents gave me a look. They studied me. Christine squeezed my hand.

"Erik, Christine these are my parents Robin and Xavier."

She introduced us. I stuck out my hand. Robin, her mother took it and pulled me into her arms hugging me tight.

"Hello! I'm so happy to finally meet you!"

She had a Spanish accent similar to Mina's.

"Mina and Daroga speak so highly of you! Derek correct?

Erik actually.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's quite alright Madame.

Oh, Mina such manners he's got!"

She turned to Christine who was rocking Gustave in her arms.

"You must be Christine. Oh you're so beautiful! Mina had told us about what good friends you've become. Is this you're son? Oh, he's so beautiful..."

Listened to her gush as I shook her fathers hand.



Thank you for being such good friends to my daughter."

He had the thickest accent of them all.

"Oh, of course. She's a lovely woman. Daroga is a very lucky man. I know he'll be good to her. He's my oldest friend. I've known him for many years.

He'd better be..."

We all turned at the sound of a door closing. The priest.

"I have to put my dress on! And my flowers! Christine, Mama?

Of course."

All the women went to help Mina get changed. Christine brought Gustave with her. We all chatted about the days events. Daroga stood at the alter after about ten minutes, and I stood by his side. Xavier sat in the front pew. We waited, and waited. Twenty minutes later Christine, Gustave and Robin came down the isle and joined Xavier in the pew. The organist started to play the wedding march and there we saw Mina. Her dress fit her nicely. A beautiful lacy dress. Her mother began to cry. I looked over at Daroga, who was tearing up a bit. I clapped him on the shoulder and gave him a smile.

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