14. The Test

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2 months later (Phylicia)
For the past 3 months, West Charlotte is not as bad as I thought. They got cute boys there and I made new friends which is Briana, Angela, India and Nicole. In speaking of boys, me and Kaylin has been talking a lot lately and he very sweet. His friends is cool but the problem is that I still got low self-esteem.

Don't get me wrong, I like Kaylin but I don't know he wants a girl like me because I don't want to get my heartbroken and going through depression again. If I had to reject every dude that I see to protect myself from getting my heartbroken, I will. Nicole keep telling me that not all guys like that but sometimes I finds it bullshit.

Today is the final exam for 4th block which is Spanish. I got up, went in the bathroom, do my hydride and put on something simply which is my long sleeve shirt, jeans and boots since I ain't going to be at school all day anyway.
Phylicia's outfit

I grab my coat and my bookbag to get going

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I grab my coat and my bookbag to get going. I went in the kitchen grab the pop tart and juice, give my relatives a hug, told them bye and head to the bus stop. I don't eat school breakfast because it's suck. The school lunch is okay I just don't like their green beans or their popcorn chicken.

I waited for the bus for 10 minutes on the cold mid-January until the bus came. I got on the bus and sat in the front seat, eat my breakfast and listen to Pandora on my phone. When the bus driver got to school, I got off the bus quickly because AJ get off.  AJ is an asshole because he always put me down about my weight which is made me feel worst.

I'm not going to lie, he the fine chocolate dude but his personality is terrible and I finds Kaylin personality more attractive than AJ's. He the typical stuck up jackass who likes slim girls and redbone. Hell, he almost got his ass whooped one time because he made me run to the middle of the hallway and cried while Kaylin comfort me so Rico cussed him out. That shit happens before winter break.

I went to the cafeteria continue listen to music on Pandora and all the sudden, I heard the deep Puerto Rican accent that scared the hell out of me and its was Danny.
"Ahh!" I screams
"Relax Phylicia it's me. So you ready for the test?" He asked taking a sip of the coffee from Burger King.
"Yeah all 4 of the test." I said then Kaylin and his sister Hope show up.
"I know damn well you ain't scared her" Kaylin said looking at his friend ready to whooped his ass.
"Relax Kay, she fine." He said and I agree.

We continue talking about the test until it's time for us to go to our 4th block and Kaylin wrapped his arms around me like I'm his girlfriend. He just have a crush on me for some reason. We walked all the way to our Spanish class that caused AJ to give Kaylin a stink look.

Before the warning bell rings, AJ standing in my face like he wants to start some shit. He better tell me what the hell do he wants because the test get ready to start soon.
"Why you always talking to that bitch?" He asked
"Cause I like her you got a problem with it?" I asked
"Yeah, she fat and no guys don't want her." He said sounding like a stuck up asshole as usual.

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