A Love SPIDERWEB? - Chapter 25

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                                              -Tina xxxx

A Love SPIDERWEB – Chapter 25

                       **Hope’s P.O.V. **

          I ran until my shins felt like breaking in half. I was grasping for air to fill my lungs, but I just collapsed. I felt the heat from y tears drip from my eyes to my lips. No way.... This can’t be happening. It must be a dream. I began to pinch myself just to test my theory, but I guess it was incorrect.

           “WHY MUST THIS HAPPEN TO ME?” I screamed and the tears began to rush down my face even harder. I whined and screamed to release the agony, but it just wouldn’t work. The boy that I loved for years just broke my heart; right after it was given to him. I waited years for this outcome? I feel like the dumbest person on this earth right now.

           “I don’t know what to do.” I whispered to myself. “Where do I go from this point? Everything I have ever worked for is worthless now.” Everything.... Means nothing now....

          I got up, and wiped my tears. I familiarized my surroundings, and walked home.

          When I got home, I ran straight to my room, and laid in bed. Luckily, none of my sisters or parents acknowledged me. I just laid there, and cried myself to sleep.

          When I woke up in the morning, I was freaked. I had this horrible dream where Niall kissed Terra, and I saw. It was horrible. I paused. Oh wait, that really did happen. “Urgh,” I growled. “What am I gonna do?”

           “HOPE!” My mum yelled from downstairs. “GET UP! I NEED YOU TO GO GET SOME MILK AT THE GROCERY STORE!”

          I sighed and got out of bed. My first thought was to get changed, but then I remembered I was already wearing proper clothes from yesterday, cause I was too lazy to change last night. Last night.... NO, DON’T THINK ABOUT IT!

          I grabbed my bag, and walked downstairs. I passed my mum in the kitchen, and stopped to ask, “Just milk?”

           “Yes please.” She handed me £5 and I walked out the front door.

          I was walking to the store, and everything I saw reminded me of Niall. Nandos = Niall. Irish flag = Niall. Pub = Niall. “URGH!” I grunted, and everyone in listening range looked at me. I just smiled it off, but I was dying on the inside. Why would he do this to me? He told me he loved me. “STOP IT, HOPE!” Everyone looked at me again.

          I finally reached the store and walked in. “Oh how I love air conditioning.” I smiled to myself, and I walked over to the fridge area. I grabbed the milk and ran out. “Sooooo coooolllllld~~~~” I slurred.

          I went to the cashier and paid, and then walked out.

          I was walking home, but then I halted. The familiar blonde hair was walking in my direction. They didn’t seem to notice me, so I tried to move out of the way so they wouldn’t. I cannot deal with them right now. Now isn’t the tame.

           “Oh, hey Hope!” The blonde figure said calmly, like absolutely nothing happened last night.

          I just stared blankly at them. “Did Niall get his jacket?” I finally spoke.

           “Huh?” Terra answered. “Oh, yeah, how do you know about that?”

           “I was there.” I said simply.

          Terra froze. She knew exactly what that meant. “Listen, Hope....” She tried to explain, but I cut her off.

           “No need. I know what happened and I don’t want to talk about it.”

           “But Hope, I need to-”

           “No Terra, what you guys did was horrible, and it makes me want to cry every time I think of it. Don’t try to explain. There is nothing to explain.”

           “Hope, you got it all wrong!”

           “What could possibly be wrong? It is a fact that you and Niall kissed!” It hurt to actually say it out loud. “I saw it with my own two eyes....”

           “Yeah, I know! But it wasn’t-”

           “There is no point fighting faces.” I was trying to hide my face so she couldn’t see my tears. “You can tell Niall that it is over between us.” I began to walk towards her, and I shoved her shoulder when I walked past.

           “NO HOPE!” She yelled from behind me.

          I stopped and turned around. “Oh, and I wish Liam the best of luck.” Then, I turned back and continued to walk home with a bag of milk in one hand, and the other over a broken heart.

                       **Terra’s P.O.V. **

          I sat at home reflecting on what had just happened. What could I have done differently? Could I have fixed the problem? What really did happen? Everything raced through my mind, and I didn’t know what to do about it. She saw....


          Niall pulled back, and immediately noticed what he did. He jerked his body back. “I’m so sorry; I don’t know what came over me. I should not have done that. I would never want to hurt Hope. I don’t know what I just did...” he ranted, but I was too shocked to say a word.

           “Niall....” I whispered.

           “I feel so-” he stopped. “What?”

           “Why did you do that?”

           “Oh, uuummm....” He looked to the ground. “I don’t know.’

           “What? There has to be a reason.”

           “Well, you were my first kiss....” He blushed. “People do always say you never forget your first....”

           “I guess. So this meant nothing?”

           “Yeah, it was just a stupid move.” He looked at me sorrowful. “I really do love Hope.”

End of flashback.

          I never got to explain to her. She wouldn’t listen.

          Then there was a knock on the door.

          I ran down the stairs, and opened the door to see a beautiful, tall figure standing before me. I smiled.

           “Hey,” Louis said and smiled.”Mind if we talk?”

A Love SPIDERWEB? - A One Direction Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now