A Love SPIDERWEB? - Chapter 22

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TeeHee :)

Check out the video on the side. I'm in the mood for Harry Styles and Potter :P

A Love SPIDERWEB? – Chapter 22

                       **Hope's P.O.V. **

          De Ja Vu much? Liam was whispering something into Terra's ear right after they kissed. He did that the last time they kissed too. I guess that is his thing.

          "Okay, Terra, who is next?" Zayn asked as he pulled out his phone, which was chirping the usual Iphone chirp.

          "I don't kno-" I was cut off by Zayn yelling, "Hey instead of these wussy truth and dares, we can use my teen truth or dare app that is on my phone!"

          "These are horrible truths and dares...." Louis added.

          "Fine, we'll use your phone. But they better not be too dirty!" Terra yelled, and then I nodded in agreement.

          Zayn put all of our names into the game, and clicked the Begin button.


          There was a chorus of Oooohs and I just laughed.

          "Truth or dare buddy?" Niall asked and continued to laugh. He finds everything way~ to funny.

          "I’ll go for truth." He answered and Louis began to cough and then said Pussy in-between coughs.

          "HEY! I LIKE PUSSIES!" Harry yelled at him.

          "Yup, you defiantly do!" Louis retorted, and then winked at Terra. She just laughed, and Liam seemed to be jealous, so he tightened his grip around Terra's waist. She just looked at him, and smiled her usual smile.

          Zayn began to laugh randomly, and very one stared at him. I turned his phone away from his face, and showed everyone the question for Harry's truth.

          "Who you want to date in this group?" Niall read out loud, and then chuckled.

          "Ummmm," Harry sighed. No point in hiding it, we all know.... "Terra, I guess." He blushed madly, and Terra just smiled and continued to hold Liam.

          "So, who is next?" I asked, and Zayn hit the button, and he answered, "You," Niall just laughed, and then I did too.

          "I'll go with Truth." I responded and everyone whined.

          "You guys are such scardy cats!" Louis yelled. And then everyone nodded in agreement.

          "Whatever!" I yelled, and he continued, "What is my question?"

          Zayn looked at the scream and read, "What celebrity would you want to be with?"

          "Ummmm," Man, who do I say? I have a boyfriend; I don't want it to get weird. "Niall Horan?" I answered questionably.

          Niall smiled at me, and then hugged me. "Awwww, I wanna be with you too!"

          "No, seriously, answer a real celebrity." Terra complained, and then chuckled a little at how Niall and I were awkwardly hugging.

          "Um, I guess I'll go with Conor Maynard. He is fit." I answered.

          "Okay~" Zayn singsonged. He then pressed the next button, and someone new's name appeared:


          She just laughed, and then replied, "Dare!"

          Zayn pushed the button, and he read the dare. "Kiss the youngest person.” Everyone turned their heads to face Louis, and he just shrugged. Louis is the guy Terra told me she liked, but now she is dating Liam.... I have a feeling his might be a bad idea.

          "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Liam yelled. "This is my girlfriend! She can't just kiss him!"

          Terra just shrugged as well. "Liam, it is just a dare." She reassured him. "Nothing in this circle really means anything." She got up off of Liam and went over to Louis. He got up, and they just looked at each other.

                       **Terra's P.O.V. **

          I am finally gonna do it. I am finally gonna kiss Louis Tomlinson. I moved closer to Louis, and placed my lips on his. It was sweet and warm. I don't know why, but it wasn't the same as Liam's kiss. Liam's was full of compassion, and longing, but Louis' was sweet, and innocent. They were like two different candies. Both good, but you do t know which one was better. What am I thinking? Louis’ must be better.

          But, before I could tell, we were already separated. I turned back to Liam, and he looked depressed. I walked over to him, and sat down in the position I was in before, and just said, "It's okay, I'm still all yours." For the first time, I was actually starting to believe it.


Thanxx for reading ;)

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                                              -Tina xxxx

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