A Love SPIDERWEB? - Chapter 17

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A Love SPIDERWEB? – Chapter 17

                       **Terra’s P.O.V. **

          I sat on my chair, looking at the photo in my hand. I can't believe it.... No way.... I sat there astonished at the discovery I just made. Then, I heard my phone begin to sing. "Everybody wanna piece of Americana, they say, but she don't come that easily. All the kids are gon-" I realized it was Hope, and answered. Before she could talk, I screamed "LILLIE!" into the phone. I heard her scream something at the same time, but it was probably "hi" or something like that. All that mattered was what I figured out. Mona looks exactly like Lillie and it wasn't a normal resemblance. It looked like Mona could have been Lillie. It wasn't your normal resemblance for sure.

          "Wait, did you just scream Lillie too?" I heard Hope say from the other line. She sees it too? "I screamed Lillie too. That is too funny." We both began to laugh, until I remembered what this conversation was about.

          "You see it too?" I ask into the phone and then add, "I'm looking at a picture of us and Lillie right now, and I really see an older Lillie in Mona."

          "YEAH! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I SEE!" Hope yelled into the phone. How do they look so alike? Maybe they are related in some way.... "Do you think they are related?" Hope asked, taking the words right out of my head; like she could read my mind or something.

          "Maybe," I replied. "Maybe we are just seeing things cause we want Lillie back. Some people do that to their mind...." I suggest, trying to not believe what was going on.

          "I don't think so, Terra." Hope responded. “We practically have photo evidence of their resemblance." I paused and looked at the photo in my hand. She was right, and I wanted to know what was going on.

          "Wait, I have Mona's number, I can text her, and ask if she wants to hang with us. That way, we can ask her then." I suggested, and waited for Hope's response.

          "I don't know, Terra...." She replied. "I guess we can, but don't you think it will be weird asking a girl if she is related to our dead best friend?"

          "I guess, but she probably won't mind if they ARE related." I answered.

          "Okay, you go make that text now. I'll wait for our instructions." Hope said and then hung up.

          I went through my contacts, and found Mona's number. I clicked 'send new text message' and typed:

Terra: Hey, do u wanna hang with me and Hope? You name the date and time.

          And hit send.

          I sat down on my bed, waiting for her reply. Then, my phone began to buzz.

Mona: Sure! I'm free 2moro. How about 3?

          I ran out of my bedroom, and down the stairs. I got into the living room, and walked right up to my mom. "I'm going out tomorrow at 2:30. Kay?" Gotta give myself time for Hope retrieving.

          I began to walk away, but then my mom asked, "Who said I have you permission?"

          I turned around and looked at her, and sighed. "Mom, can I go out with my Hope tomorrow?"

          "Sure thing honey," She answered with a smile. "Just make sure you are back for 6. Don't forget about-"

          "I know, I know." I cut her off. "I have my hair appointment." And with that, I turned and headed off to my room once more. On the way, I took out my phone and typed a reply to Mona:

Terra: Okilie Dokilie! We will meet at the park.

          And hit send. Then, I typed a new message to Hope:

Terra: K, we are gonna meet at the park at 2:30. She is coming at 3 and we can discuss details during those 30 minutes :)

          Then I went on Twitter, and a bar went across my screen. [You have 5 new followers] I opened my profile and noticed the five boys who followed me. Liam, Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Niall. "Great, just great."

                       **Hope's P.O.V. **

          The next day went by quickly, and before I knew it, it was 2. I sat on my bed, looking at my wardrobe. I decided on a blue blouse and my jean shorts. Then, I walked over to my curler, and turned it on. I like it when my hair is curly.

          I put on my outfit, and then curled my hair. I walked over to my full length mirror, and checked myself out. I look pretty good! Too bad I'm not seeing Niall today.

          Ten, I looked over at my clock. 2:23. "Dang! I'm gonna be late!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs, and into the kitchen. "Tell mom I left!" I yell at my Faith, who is sitting at the table eating. She tried to say something, but her mouth was full, and I was already out the door.

          The walk to the park wasn't that bad. Or, Maybe I shall call it the run to the park. I got there right after Terra got there.

          "So," Terra began. "How are we going to ask her about Lillie?"

          "It was your idea to do this!" I yelled. "Not mine, so you can do it!"

          "Fine, but how do I ask? Do I just go: 'Hey, you look like a dead friend of mine! Are you related to her by any chance?' Yeah, that isn't weird at all!" Terra yelled sarcastically.

          "Okay, just say that she reminds you of someone. Then say that she reminds you of Lillie. Then ask if she knows her." I suggested. "If she is related to her, she will be like: 'Oh yeah, she is my cousin', or something like that. If hey aren’t related, she will get weirded out and ask who Lillie is."

          Terra just looked at me confused at my long idea. "Too much detail.... English please!" Terra said with a smile.

          "Tell her she reminds you of Lillie and ask if she knew her.” I explain again.

          "Okilie Dokilie!" Terra yelled and then looked at her watch. "It is 2:56; she could be here any minute."

          Then, we saw a figure walk right up to us. "Speak of the devil!" I yelled jokingly.

          "So, what's up?" Mona asked.

          "Oh, you know the usual." I answered and nudged Terra with my elbow.

          "Oh, well I was thinking...." She began.

          "Thinking about what?" Mona asked intrigued.

          "Well, oh kinda look like a friend me and Hope had. She died though...." She said. Good job, Terra. "Did you know her? Her name was-" Then she was cut off.

          "Lillie. Yeah, I knew her." Mona answered with a complete serious expression.

          "Really? How did you know her?" Terra asked.

          "Lillie Heartland...." Mona stated. That was Lillie's last name. "Was my twin sister...."


Oooooooh! Twins! TeeHee, sometimes I amaze myself ;)

I sound so conceited.

Well, yeah, Lillie had a twin sister! Interesting....

I hope you liked it :)

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And I have over 600 reads! EPICNESS!

Let's see if we can reach 1,000!

I'll do something you guys want me to do if we can do that!

I'll take a truth or dare!!!!

Truth or Dare over Wattpad FOR THE WIN!!!!


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