A Love SPIDERWEB? - Chapter 9

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A Love SPIDERWEB? – Chapter 9

                       **Harry’s P.O.V. **

          “Harry Styles, no mall for the next three months, for disturbing the locals.” The head chief of mall security told me and my mother, as we sat in the small office. The desk barely fit, with just enough room to get around it. The small fragile man walked (or should I say squeezed) out from behind the desk, and opened the door. “You may leave now.” He demanded with a stern scolding face. As I walked out, I noticed my mother had that exact same face.

          “Harold Edward Milward Styles,” My mother began to say barely moving her lips, in a way it looked really scary and intimidating. “Why would you do such a thing? Especially to Zayn Malik; he is one of your best friends. Also, why would you do it in such a public place?” She began to rant about how immature it was and blah blah blah.... “And, I am very disappointed!” She finally spat in my ear as we reached the green Audi that belonged to yours truly. Yes, it did belong to me, except I can’t drive yet.... I got it for my 16th birthday, but I still don’t have my license, so my mom taunts me with it every day.

          “So, we’re going home?” I ask, even though I know the answer. Like my mom will let me out of the house after today. I step inside the car, and sit with my seatbelt all ready to go.

          “No, you have somewhere to go first.” I just looked at her, in shock. Where in the world is she taking me? Probably just an insane asylum. I punched a friend of mine; she thinks I’m wacked up co-co.

                       **Terra’s P.O.V. **

          West-mall: A place I will never go again. Period. No further argument. First of all: all the geeks have weird t-shirts, and try to get me to wear them; that, or they are avoiding me because I’m not the normal geek girl they see here. I made sure to stay close to Merrik and Rich, but they were in their own world. What do I do? I’m lost, and I can’t find Merrik.... Then, someone came up from behind me, and grabbed my shoulders. I yelped, and sighed, realizing who it was. “Jeez Merrik, why do you have to scare me like that?”

          He took his hands off my shoulders, and said, “Merrik? My name is Mona Que.” I jerked my whole body around, and stared into the eyes of a petite, brunette haired, beauty. I mean Beauty. She was drop dead gorgeous, and I don’t know why, but she reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t pin who. I stared into her piercing blue eyes, trying to figure out who the person she reminded me of was. “You know, you reminded me of someone, that’s why I did that.” She said, while replaying the hands on shoulder stunt she pulled on me.

          “Oh, no problem.” I lift my hand, and snap my wrist in a ‘no worries’ motion. “So, who is this Merrik guy? Is he your boyfriend?” She asks with a flirtatious look.  Began to laugh, and grabbed my stomach in pain. “Are you kidding?” I manage to say in between gasps for air. “Merrik is just a friend.”

          “Can’t blame a girl for asking” She said with a smile, and then began to laugh along with me. “You know, I like you, you’re cool.” She said while standing straight, and beginning it play with her brunette locks of hair. She began to whack my arm. “Look! Look! There are two boys looking out way! They are cute!” I stand up straight and look over, not expecting to see what I saw. “Are you kidding?” I manage to say, while continuing to stare at Merrik and Rich, who are staring back. “That is Merrik....”

          “THAT’S MERRIK?!?!?!” She began to yell. “I was expecting some lame geek boy; NOT THAT!” I honestly don’t see what she sees.... What’s so great about Merrik? It’s Merrik Aster; the boy who almost flunked every semester completely; who still sleeps with a teddy bear named ‘Alcove’ (A/N: Don’t ask....); who only baths once a week. Merrik is not attractive in any way. (A/N: Sorry to the person who I based this off of. And yes, there is actually a person I based Merrik on.... and he is like this. I just don’t want to put out names....) before I could snap out of my thoughts, Mona was already over talking to Merrik.

          “Uh, Mona, don’t annoy him too much.” I said to myself, making my way over to them.

          “Hey Terra! I wanted to talk to you,” Merrik jerked his head to the side, motioning where he wanted me to go. He was motioning toward a beautiful fountain. The fountain was full of pennies, and had three layers. It was a beautiful pearl colour, and was made of stone. It was simple but elegant. He was totally ignoring everything Mona was saying, keeping his eyes on me, while walking away from the pack. I walked over to where he was, and stood right in front of him.

          “So, what’s up?” I ask. He sat on the fountain edge, and pulled me down beside him.

          “Um, I was talking to Rich, and he brought up a good point.” He began to explain. “I don’t want to hide my feelings anymore. All of those years of listening to you talk so badly about those five boys, and then have you hang out with them; it isn’t right. They shouldn’t get all the attention from you that I have never gotten.” I began to shift my body slightly away from him, knowing what was coming next. “I am really jealous, and I have always wanted that attention, ever since I met you. I really like you Terra.” He finally admitted. Ding, ding, ding! Terra is correct yet again.

          “Oh, um, Merrik,” I didn’t know how to respond. We have been friends for so long, and I don’t want to ruin that. “Well, Merrik, I just don’t feel that way about you....” In saw his expression fall and the rest of him do the same. He got up, and began to walk back to the group. Instead of returning to that group as well, I turned the other way, and began to head for the exit.

                       AUTHORS NOTE:

Poor Terra can’t get a break from these guys!

Sorry about not uploading around four lately. I’ve been busy writing my Valedictorian speech, and other end of the year projects.

I’m working on a new Story called ‘Summer Paradise’, and the first chapter will be up on the 20th of June! Can’t wait for that one!

A Love SPIDERWEB? - A One Direction Fan-FicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz