A Love SPIDERWEB? - Chapter 21

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                                                -Tina xxxx

A Love SPIDERWEB? – Chapter 21

                       **Terra’s P.O.V. **

          “Okay,” Harry said as he sat in the sand and patted the sand beside him to motion for us to sit. “Who wants to go first?”

          We all sat in a circle I was between Hope and Liam. Liam was beside Zayn, Zayn was beside Louis, Louis beside Harry, Harry beside Niall, and Niall beside Hope.

          “You know what,” Louis began. “I will....” he paused. “Nominate Zayn.” He finished as he grabbed Zayn’s hand and jerked it up into the air.

          “What?” Zayn whined. “Why me? I don’t want to!”

          “Too bad,” Niall added. “This is happening.” Zayn just sighed.

          “Okay, so truth or dare?” Harry asked.

          “I’ll go with truth.” He answered slowly, awaiting his reply.

          “Oh, and you have to tell the truth!” Louis yelled. “Cross your heart, and hope to die!” No one moved. “DO IT!” We all flinched and made an x on our hearts. “Good, what happens here, doesn’t leave here.” We all nodded.

          “Okay, so....” Harry began to think. Not gonna lie, I am kinda scared of what might happen in this game.  “Who do you wanna hook up with this year?” Harry finally asked. I’m officially scared.

          “Oh,” Zayn sighed, and just looked at Hope. Why is he looking at Hope? OMG, DOES HE WANNA HOOK UP WITH HOPE? “Probably Whitney Callings” he finally answered.

          “True~” Harry singsonged. “She is real fit.”

          “So now, it is my turn?” Zayn asked impatiently, and then Harry nodded. He turned right to me. Please not me. “Liam,” he said and then smiled. “Truth or dare?”

          “I’ll go for truth too.” Liam answered, and I just began to laugh.

          “You guys are such pussies!” I yelled without thinking. Oops. Harry just burst out in laughter, and then so did the rest of them. “What it’s true.”

          “You are mean.” Liam said as he hugged me. “But so dang right.” They all just continued to laugh, so I just joined in.

          “You guys find everything too funny.” I said as I found myself smiling. Is it possible that I am actually laughing with these boys? Two weeks ago I hated them, and now I having a grand old time with them. How does that work. I feel differently about them too. Suddenly, they don’t make fun of me, and I don’t feel like punching them in the face. It felt weird.

          “Okay, let’s get to this truth!” Louis yelled.

          “I’ve been waiting to ask this question,” Zayn began. “Did you like Terra when I dated her?” Good job Zayn; make things UBER awkward why don’t you?

          “Oh,” Liam exhaled. “Well, since we are telling the truth, Yeah. I did. I have liked Terra since year 7.” He just turned to me and smiled.

          I just smiled and laughed. “Year 7? Why year 7?”

          “Year 7 was the year we were allowed on the track team. We first started actually seeing and talking to each other then.” Li explained, and the smiled just wouldn’t disappear from my face. “So I’ve liked you for 5 years.” 5 years? That is too cute. He never did give up on me, even though I dated his best friend. Why is he so adorable? The smile on my face wouldn’t go away. Terra, stop. You like Louis, not Liam. Louis, Louis, Louis, Louis....

          “So, who you gonna ask next?” Niall asked.

          “Maybe you should ask Terra, since she thinks we are wimps for saying truth. See what she says.” Zayn suggested with a smug smirk.

          Liam just laughed and said, “Maybe I will.” Then, he put his arms around me, and squished me close to him. It was a warm embrace, and I didn’t want it to end. It felt so warm and loving. He picked me up and plopped me onto his lap. I began to giggle, and slung my arms around his neck. We just sat there smiling at each other.

          “Cough, cough,” Louis said, and our eyes darted to him. He just started to laugh, and so did I.

          “Why don’t you ask Louis?” I asked with a smile.

          “Maybe I will.” He answered and widened his grin.

          “Can we keep this PG-13?” Harry complained.

          “Sorry, no.” Liam answered and began to laugh.

          “Come on, even Hope and I aren’t that bad and we have been dating longer!”

          “Can we just get on with this?” Hope asked.

          “Okay, fine,” Li began. “I’m gonna ask you babe.” That was the first time he called me babe. It was the first time he called me something other than my actual name. It felt weird. I felt like he wasn’t talking to me.

          “Okay, I’ll take a dare, since you are all scaredy cats” I answered and smiled at the topic that was just forgotten.

          “Ooooh~ What is he gonna dare her?” Louis asked.

          “The possibilities are endless.” Niall stated in his deep voice over voice.

          I just laughed at the boys wits, and awaited Li’s dare.

          “I dare you to kiss me.” He stated. “Right here, right now.” He was staring directly into my eyes. We have never kissed before. Heck, this is the first time we have actually seen each other since the night we started dating.

          “What kind of dare is that?” I asked nervously. “You are daring me to kiss you. You have to dare me to kiss you. Are you that desperate?”

          “Yeah, I’m desperate for your kiss. I’ve been waiting 5 years for it. I can now have as many as I like, and I want one, so pay up.” He replied and smiled.

          “He has a point.” Niall added.

          “Okay, I’ll kiss you.” I said and smiled. My arms were still around his neck, and I was still sitting on him so I was in the perfect position. I turned to him and he leaned in. I’m kinda nervous. My eyes darted to Louis, who seemed to be avoiding our action.

          When my eyes made their way back to Liam, he was already 1mm away from my face. Then, our lips touched.

          The electricity shot through my veins just like last time and there was a warm feeling inside my chest. The passion and sweetness were present again, but there was something extra; success. He had finally succeeded in getting me, and he needed to show it. It added a nice affect. It felt nice for sure. I wonder if Louis’ kisses would feel better.

          “Whoa!” Harry yelled. “Guys, how many time do we have to remind you to keep it PG-13?”

          Li then pulled away from me and just smiled. He moved his lips to my ear like the time we first kissed and whispered, “I love you so much.”

A Love SPIDERWEB? - A One Direction Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now