A Love SPIDERWEB? - Chapter 32 (LAST ONE)

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A Love SPIDERWEB?  Chapter 32

                       **Terra's P.O.V. **

           "HEY! Look who came to join the party!" I yelled from across the room. I ran over to five boys who were wearing their hoods, so it made them look like hoodlums. "Hey Harry! Louis! Niall! Liam! And - of course - Zayn!" I listed them in such disgust; you could sense the hatred in the room.

          That was the first day of summer. I still hated those blokes then. Now.... I'm fighting for one of their love. I smiled at the thought of Liam; wishing to see him again.

          I walked toward the school. Ugghh, school starts tomorrow. And things are as bad as ever. I haven seen Liam, for like, a month. Liam anxiety.... I climbed up the hill towards the track field. Maybe I'll do a little running to get him off my mind.

          That is when I heard that all too familiar laugh.


          Well, it was most likely Mona, since Lillie is dead and all. I looked for her figure, and that is when I saw it.

          I saw the sincere smile that made me swoon. The chiselled cheek bones that rose when he smiled. The deep brown eyes that would stare into my soul. The person who stole my heart without realizing it. Liam Payne.

          Why is he with Mona? Then the memory came back to me.

          Mona just stared intensely at me. "I want your boyfriend." She said simply, and then turned around swiftly and waved over her shoulder.

          Mona liked Liam. She deliberately told me she liked Liam. I CAN'T BELIEVE LIAM IS WITH HER! THAT BITCH! BOTH OF THEM!

          I sped up my pace, and marched per to where they were giggling. They saw me, and Liam just stared. Mona grabbed his arm and tried to take him away, but he just looked at me.

          "What are doing?" I groaned.

          "What does it look like? We are walking around together." Mona sneered back.

          "I wasn't talking to you." I scoffed. "Why are you with HER?" I glared at Liam.

          "Cause," he paused. "I wanna be. She isn't CHEATING on me." He paused. "Like someone else I know."

          I died at the thought. Wait, does that mean-

          "Ya, you got that? We're dating now!" She screeched.

          My face dropped. "Why?" I whispered, and then turned and ran. I heard Mona yelled, "Where you going?!" Or something like that.

          I continued to run, but then I felt a hand grab my wrist.

          I swivelled around to see Liam with his head to the ground. He just continues to hold my wrist and stare at the ground.  Mona just stared at us. Obviously, Mona's comment wasn't directed at me. she ran over to us and asked, "What is going on! What are you doing Li?"

A Love SPIDERWEB? - A One Direction Fan-FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora