A Love SPIDERWEB? - Chapter 24

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A Love SPIDERWEB? – Chapter 24

                       **Terra's P.O.V. **

          The time seamed to speed by spending time with my 'friends'. It still feels weird calling them my friends...

          We swung on the swings, rode the tire swing, slid down slides, and played sandman. Apparently, I can't play sandman, cause I'm absolutely horrible at it.

          "I think we should go now, it is getting pretty dark." Zayn suggested, and I looked up to the sky. The moon was out and the sun was setting. You could see a glimpse of some stars, but they were still dull. Liam walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered into my ear, "It's beautiful," He softly kissed my cheek and I could feel my face turning bright red. "Just like you." He finished, and I'm sure I got even redder. Is it even possible to like Liam....? I was so sure I liked Louis. I can't be that wrong. I have no clue anymore.

          "I guess you’re right," I sighed and walked over to everyone and gave them a hug. I stopped at Louis, and just looked at him. He embraced me, and I hugged back. There was still a little feeling inside me that said there was something there, but I didn't know. He let go, and I walked over to Liam and hugged him. He kissed my cheek again, and the tingle was there. Why am I feeling this way? How could this happen?

          "I'll walk back with you." Niall randomly stated. "You know, since you live around the corner from me."

          "Sure, whatever." I said and smiled.

          "Well, me and Harry are gonna go then!" Louis yelled and grabbed Harry's arm. They began to walk off and I laughed softly.

          "Me, Li and Hope should go to. I'll see you guys later." Zayn said and grabbed Hope and Liam and began to walk off.

          "Byyeeee!" Niall and I both yelled at them and I waved my arms frantically, and they just waved back.

          "Well, I guess we should head back..." I began and began to walk home.

          "Wait," Niall grabbed my wrist and tugged just enough so it spun me around.

          "What is it Nialler?" I was starting to get a little scared. What is going on?

          "Um, I just wanted to say something to you...."

          "Really? What is it?"

          "Umm - Well.... Umm"

          "Spit it out Niall!"

          "Okay!" He yelled, and the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine, and I stood there in shock.


                       **Hope's P.O.V. **

          "Yeah, and then my mom was like: Really Li?" Liam finished telling a story.

          I was walking home with my best friend’s current boyfriend and ex-boyfriend, and it was pretty awkward. For them at least. Well, I hope Niall and Terra are getting along well. Terra seemed to me buddy buddy with all of them, so I think she is doing well. I hope Niall is doing well too.




          Maybe if I run I can give it back to him....

          "Hey guys, I have Niall's jacket, so Imma run and catch up with them to give it back. I can get home on my own, so don't worry." I said and began to walk back.

          "Whatever, stay safe." Liam yelled, and then added, "Tell Terra to text me!"

          I ran until I was back at the park. Y legs were screeching in pain, so I slowed down. Then I saw two figures talking. I walked closer until I saw who it was. Niall and Terra. Good, it's them.

          "HE-" I began to yell, but I was stopped by my heart that was shattered. Niall was kissing Terra. My heart had been dropped onto the floor and stomped on. Thrown away into the bin. My eyes didn't leave them until the parted.

          "No way.... My boyfriend and best friend.... No...." I whispered to myself. I couldn't take it anymore. I turned and ran off. I dropped the jacket in the process.

          Niall Horan and Terra Vitale.... You have a big problem. And it's named Hope Hollis.


Thanks for reading :)

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                                              -Tina xxxx

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