A Love SPIDERWEB? - Chapter 1

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A Love SPIDERWEB? Chapter 1

                       **Terra’s P.O.V. **

          Hope and I walked in to the H&M, and immediately went for the summer clothing. The H&M store was so pretty, with its neon pink walls, and organized clothing racks. Today was the first day of summer, and Hope and I were on our annual “Summer Shopping Fest”. Hope and I have been best friends since JK. We just finished grade 11, and I can oficailly say it was the worst year ever! I hope this summer makes it all better. You know, like a band-aid you put on a wound.

          “Does this fit right?” Hope asked me; she was looking at the polo shirts. Hope’s Irish accent was so strong, you could just litterally hear her talking from across the hall, and you’d know it was her. She was from Dubli, and moved here when she was 3. She was one of the most gorgeous girls you would ever see. She had beautiful auburn hair with blue highlights. Her build was average height, and ultra skinny. She was always calm and shy, but once you got to know her, she would be bouncing off walls.

          “Darling... No. That is way too tight! No, just no....” I said with my British accent. I was from Manchester, so it was the weirdest accent you would ever hear, but I never wanted to change it. Is it even posible to change an accent.... Maybe... I have always been one of those people who didn’t care what other people say. I would never listen, but I always want to get my own voice heard. Kind of ironic, don’t you think? People say I am beautiful, with my blond silky hair with no dye at all. I always went for the O-Natural look. Hope says I am really skinny, but I know otherwise. I am no where near as skinny as her. But, none of that mattered, cause, all I can think about is this summer. This was going to be a perfect summer, and I knew it.

          “Really? Cause, I like it.” Hope broke my thoughts of all the fun things we could do this summer.

          “This has to fit you while we play sports and do everything we possibly can, remember? It’s gonna be the summer of fun, not summer of 'I’m a SLUT!' You really think that is going to work?” I asked as I pointed at the mini skirt and the tank top Hope was wearing. “I love you and all, but sometimes you can be a nit-wit.” I was shaking my head in pity.

          “Well, at least I’m not getting mine three sizes too big. That is a little much, don’t you think?” Hope’s big green eyes slid from my dark blue eyes, down to my feet. The shorts were about to fall to my ankles, and the shirt made me look ultra chubby.

          “HEY! Look who came to join the party!” I yelled from across the room, totally ignoring the comment Hope just made. I ran over to five boys who were wearing their hoods, so it made them look like hoodlums. “Hey Harry! Louis! Niall! Liam! And – of course – Zayn!” I listed them in such disgust; you could sense the hatred in the room. The worst was when I got to Zayn. Zayn and I had this fling thing in grade 11, and we had hated each other since. I don’t even know why I dated him to begin with. Probably because he had gorgeous jet black hair, that flowed perfectly into a quiff. Also, his flawless skin... So, I probably liked him because of his looks. He was the hotty from their little group. "Going for the hoodlum effect this summer? I like it; now I won't have to see your faces!"

          “No hating in public guys. That is the rule!” Louis said sarcastically, while everyone started to giggle. Louis had funny looking hair, and perfect bluish-greenish eyes that you could get lost in... Louis was pretty funny and defiantly had gorgeous eyes, but, I still hated him. I hated all of them. They were all jerks.

          Harry began to laugh uncontrollably. I didn’t think it was that funny. “OMG LOUIS! Don’t say that, it will make her worse!” He said while trying to control his laughter. Harry was the second worst (with Zayn being first) out of all 5, because he was just plain annoying. He is always trying to seduce me, along with every other girl in the school. He and his grin can go live a hole for all I care. I have to say though, his intense curls,  and those green orbs that could look almost blue at times, are definately gorgeous.

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