A Love SPIDERWEB? - Chapter 14

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A Love SPIDERWEB? – Chapter 14

                       **Terra’s P.O.V.**

          Harry’s lips were soft, and tasted like cherries. I didn’t know what to do. Finally pulled away, pushing his chest away from mine. He grasped for air, and I just stood there.

          “That meant everything to me. Please tell me it meant something to you.” He pleaded, staring right into my eyes. He smiled and repeated, “Please,”

          “I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t feel the same way....” His face dropped, and so did his curls. Those intense curls were covering the ashamed look on his face. He continued to stare at the ground, until he began to shake his head, so his hair was back in place. He looked up and tried to smile, but it came across as a creepy grin. “I guess we gotta catch up.” He said as he turned and began to walk away.

          I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “Listen,” I began to say. “I don’t like you like that, but I still like you as a friend okay?” I smiled, and for the first time, I actually believed myself when I said that. I had told myself a week ago that I liked him, but then I realized I only liked how he was treating me. I liked how he was treating me like a person for once. Now, all of them are treating me nicely, I realize he is just a friend to me.

          He didn’t look happy, but his face did lift a little. “Okay,” He forced a smile onto his face. “Well, we better catch up with the rest of them.” He said as he turned and hurried toward the pack. I nod and run up to them. Harry looked behind him to see me running, and began to run too. “Let’s make it a race!” He yelled as I slowly caught up to him. We halted when we were beside each other. “On the count of three. 1, 2, 3!” He yelled as we both started to sprint. Harry seemed pretty content with the speed he was traveling at, but once I began to pass him, he turned to face me, and his jaw dropped. The distance slowly increased, until I reached the group. I looked back, and there was Harry, walking because he gave up.

          “Aw Haz, what happened?” I ask in a childish way. He just looks at me with a look to kill.

          “You raced him didn’t you?” I turn to see Hope giving me a glare. “I told you not to do that. It puts people down.” I just smile and turn to see Harry finally catching up. I start to laugh and add, “I can’t help my speed.” I was the fastest girl on the track team.

           “Maybe we could race sometime; it would be a race no one would miss.” Liam suggested and smiled. My only competition from the boy side was Liam. We were both top ranked and the coaches never wanted us to verse each other. They thought girls and guys racing would create sexist jokes. Now that I think about it; that’s probably when Liam started to like me. We would always be near each other during practise, and always talked about how we both wanted to go to the major competitions like the Olympics. We actually do have a lot in common.

          “I’d really enjoy that one.” Hope broke my thoughts as she began to laugh at her own comment. The rest of the pack began to laugh, and began to laugh harder once Harry reached the pack. “What?” He whined as he grabbed Louis’ shoulder for support, being tired from the running he just did. He was breathing deeply, and he looked flushed. Then, there was me; not tired at all, breathing normally.

          Niall turned around to face us, and pointed at me “Experienced runner,” and then pointed at Harry “And horrible runner.” I guess he caught my thought too. Everyone began to laugh again, even though Harry didn’t look pleased. I smile at him, and then, he smiles back. Then, I notice Louis. He was staring at me smiling. I look his way, and my smile widens. His smile gets bigger as he turns his head away flushed. This plan is really working.

          I felt a hand on mine as I look forward again, and there was Liam. He intertwined our hands again, and dragged me far up ahead. We were majorly in front of the pack, and I bet they couldn’t hear any words we spoke.

          “Hey,” Liam said shooting a smile at me. I could do anything else but smile back. “So, how was your rubbish trip?” The memory replayed in my mind. I can totally tell him that his best mate kissed me and told me he loved me. That is totally normal. “Oh, um.... You know, like any other trip to the rubbish bin.” I faked a smile, and he just looked down. Then, a smile spread on his face and he looked up to look at me.

          “I won’t let you down – down. I won’t let you fall – fall.” He began to sing softly. He just looked straight forward, averting my gaze. “Every time you frown – frown. Every time you call – call.” He quickly looked at me, and then continued to sing. “We’ll dance around the sun – sun, like we’re the only ones - ones. Girl I can love you till the world is over. Cause you’re my only ooooooone~ Yeah you’re the only ooooooone~ My one and only looooooove~ You’re the ooooooone~” He finished. He looked at me and smiled.

          “What was that?” I say smiling. He had an amazing voice, and I could listen to it for hours.

          “Oh, well... It kinda sums up how I’m feeling right now.” He replies. Did he just come up with that on the spot? Why is he so amazing?

          “That’s how you feel?” I ask as my smile just gets bigger and bigger. His is too adorable for me to handle.

          “I’ve felt this way for the longest time.” He said with a straight face, just looking at me. I look back to see the group of people, just giggling and smiling. Then, Liam moves his hand to my cheek, and gently moves it back to face him. His hand was warm, and smooth. It truly was an indescribable feeling inside. He inched closer to me...




          Then, his lips were touching mine, and it sent electricity though my veins. It was gentle, and not forced like Harry’s. It was sweet and passionate. Then, he finally pulled away. His face had the biggest grin, and he was looking directly into my eyes. He moved his lips to my ear and whispered, “I think I’m in love with you....” I just stare blankly into space. He pulls his head back, so he is looking right at me. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

          I turn my head again to look for Louis. I finally spot him, and he looks like he’s having fun. If he can have fun without me, I can have fun without him. I smile and answer, “Yes.”



Yeah, so the song Li sang Terra actually is a song. It is ‘My Only One’ by Mac Faoro. It is a really cute song, so go check it out!

Yeah, sorry for not catching up so fast. I am planning on catching up on ALS, and then catching up in SP. I’ve been busy at my summer camp all day, so I can’t type as quickly as I’d like to. I’m almost there in ALS, so yeah.... SORRY!

ALSO! You can follow me on twitter now! I am @TinaRoseIsMe and I can give updates about my stories on there.

AND! I wanna know any funny memories from any summer vacations or things you are going to do this summer, cause I want ideas of what the peeps can do during their summer vacay :) SO just comment your stories, and they can be a part of the story! Yaaaaaaay :P

Thanx for reading


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