A Love SPIDERWEB? - Chapter 2

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A Love SPIDERWEB? Chapter 2

                       **Hope’s P.O.V. **

          Once Niall and I got back to the H&M store, there was no Terra in sight. None of the boys knew where she went and all of them admitted they didn’t even notice she was gone. Leave it up to them to ignore her. They are normally annoying her, and now they choose to not even pay attention.... What idiots. I randomly started shking my head in pity, but then I realized people would think I'm wacked if they saw me, so i stopped. Luckily, no one noticed. I decided I should text and ask her what happened.

          Hope: Where r u? We r looking 4 u.

          Everyone was silent until there was a reply.

          Terra: Left. Couldn’t handle them anymore.

          “Wow, what did you guys do? I leave you alone for 20 minutes and you make my girlfriend’s best friend run away!” Niall scolded.

          “We didn- wait GIRLFRIEND?” Louis sputtered. “You go on one date with her, and now she is your girlfriend?”

          I loved to hear them talk about me being his girlfriend. It made me feel so good inside. I had been waiting for over three years, and I finally had it. The only thing holding it back from being perfect was that Terra wasn’t there to enjoy it with me. Well, Terra would never enjoy it, she hated these guy’s guts, and that could never change. “Okay, I’m going to go home now. My mom will be wondering where I am” I finally blurted out to break the tension, between the bickering boys.

          “Okay see you tomorrow. I’ll be there around six to come get you.” Niall said while kissing my cheek. I could feel the butterflies, and a tingle right where he kissed me, and I just stood there with no motion.

          “Oooooh... Another date? Sounds interesting....” Harry said intrigued while laughing. Then the others started to laugh too. He was right, and BOY, was I looking forward to that.

          “Kay, Bye” I said with a sweet smile as I walked out the door.

          When I passed Terra’s house, I stopped. I decided to walk up and knock. Maybe we’ll talk, and work out this thing.... Aqua answered the door. Aqua was Terra’s older sister. She was one year older, and I had always looked up to her. Aqua was always gorgeous with her amazing blond hair with light blue highlights (that is why I got my blue highlights), and everyone loved her. She was perfect.

          ”Can I help you?” Aqua said with attitude. She may have been perfect, but she had the attitude of a killer.

          “Umm,” I struggled to find the words to use. I always got really nervous around Aqua, she was really intimidating. She sometimes even reminded me of Lillie. “Is Terra home?”

          “Yeah, one second.” I saw Aqua’s body disappear into the living room. Terra’s house was so beautiful, huge, and had brown and teal walls. Terra’s parents liked the elements of this earth and were Italian; that’s why their children’s names are Terra (Earth) and Aqua (Water) (A/N: Well, Water is Acqua, but close enough). Then, Terra stepped out of the living room.

         “What are you doing here?” Terra asked, while she stepped out of the house, closing the door behind her.

          “What do you mean what am I doing here? I came to check on you because you randomly left!” I protested.

          “I didn’t just randomly leave! I left because you went on a date with one of them!” Terra blurted out.

          “One of them? What does that mean?” I shouted. How could she think that way? I thought she would be happy for me.... I finally got what I have wanted since the 5th grade....

          “One of them, as in them being the same, and hurting every girl that gets attached to them! THEY DONT CARE ABOUT ANYONE!” Terra yelled back. That is a complete and total lie. Not true at all.

          “You know nothing! Niall saved my life in grade 5, remember that? He really does care about me!” I reminded Terra.

          “Yes I remember that night! How could I forget! I got out and told Niall you guys were in there!” Terra yelled.

          “Yeah, great job Terra, but you can’t say that he didn’t want to help. He did save me over gorgeous Lillie, didn’t he?” I protested, remembering every scene from that wretched memory.

          “So he saved you over Lillie; not a lot of people liked Lillie. We were even scared of her! WE WERE HER BEST FRIENDS! He is just like Zayn. Niall will hurt you like Zayn hurt me. I don’t want to see you get hurt.” Terra admitted. Those words made me stop. Terra thought Niall would hurt me, just like when Zayn broke Terra’s heart. But, Niall would never do that. He couldn’t. Niall was nothing like Niall.... they had nothing in common. Nothing.

          “You are totally wrong! He never would hurt me, and you are just jealous that I now have a boyfriend!” I screamed, not noticing what I was saying. Cause, once I said it, Terra turned around, opened the front door, walked through, and slammed in on my face. Oops....

          Looks like we have a problem. Dang....


Sorry for it being really short. The others will be longer. This one just wanted to be a butt-face!

Hope it was still good though!

A Love SPIDERWEB? - A One Direction Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now