{ Didn't know you were ready, ready for it all }

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When we arrived at our house we immediately ran up to our bedrooms. Me of course in mine, Shay in hers and Megan and Chloe in the two spare bedrooms.

I texted Brad that I was home and he texted immediately something back, but I already put my phone away, changed in my pj's and laid in bed.

"What a night." I said and drifted away.

Chloe's POV


I screamed when I woke up. But then I realized the time, it was 7AM. Pretty early though. I think I was the only one who didn't drink so much, cause I don't have a headache and a hangover.

"CHLOEEE SHUTUP AND MAKE US BREAKFAST OR SOMETHING!" I heard Ashlyn screaming. I laughed and walked to her bedroom. I saw her laying down with her pillow on her head.

"Ashlyn please.. Is the hangover so bad?" I said still laughing.

"Yes oh my god.. What the hell happened last night?" She said in a annoyed voice.

"You slept with Brad, you made out with him.. A lot.. and when we walked away he wanted to kiss you but you refused him and he kissed your cheek." I said.

"Oh my god.. Did I do that? I slept with Brad ?!!!" She yelled.

"Uhmmm yeah.. It was for a game, you had 45 minutes in heaven and you guys were away for 2 hours!" I said in a calming voice.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS? I SLEPT WITH A BOY THAT I KNOW ABOUT.. A DAY?!" She screamed and sat up with her head in her hands.

"It's okay baby." I said and rubbed her back.

"I'm gonna call Brad.." She said and walked to the living room.

I walked in the kitchen and made breakfast for the girls.

I hope that I didn't do something badly yesterday.

Ashlyn's POV

I took my phone and called Brad.

"Hello?" I heard a morning voice with a brummie accent.

"Hey Brad, sorry, did I wake you?" I said in a soft voice.

"Aww no babe, I'm just a bit tired and have a huge hangover right now." He said and I knew that he was smiling through the phone. Wait.. Why did he call me babe?

"Uhmm.. Do you remember something from yesterday?" I asked.

"Only that I drunk too much and that we made out a little, why?" He said.

"Oh.. So.. You didn't knew that we did 'it' together?" I asked.

"What? No? When?? Yesterday?" He said in shock.

"Yes... We had to be 45 minutes in heaven and we were away for 2 hours.."

"Are you serious? Oh my god, I'm sorry Ashlyn! For everything!" He said.

"It's okay, I think I was also a bit too drunk.." I said to make sure that it wasn't all his fault.

"Maybe we can hang out? I'm busy writing a song for school so maybe you want to listen to it? If that's okay with you? I just started writing, so it's probably not the best."

"Oh yeah, okay. What time do we have school?" I asked.

"Uhmm.. In a few hours I think, should we go together?" He asked back.

"Yeah cool, I'll tell the girls, get changed and then I'm on my way." I said with a smile.

"Okay, see you soon love." He said and hung up.

The Sextape // Brad Simpson Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن