{ Took in the perfect serenity you give me }

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El's POV

Wow okay. Why the hell would somebody call me about Brad? I know, we broke up a few years ago, but still. I just love him.. But I knew immediately that he just used me for sex. I haven't spoken to him since the day we broke up.. So why would anybody call me about him then?

"El?" I heard my mum saying.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Who was that on the phone?" She asked.

"Uhm.. I don't really know.. But it was someone who wanted to know how I knew Brad.." I said and looked at the ground.

"Somebody called you and asked how you knew your ex?! Your ex who used you for a fucking sextape!" She yelled in my face.

"Mum.. Let it go, it's the past." I said, but I still saw anger in my mum's face.

"El, I just can't let it go okay. I still can't forget how heartbroken you were when that dick fucked you and posted it in the internet." She said and threw her hands in the air full of frustration.

"Mum come on." I said and tried to calm her down.

"You're right.. I'm so sorry love." She said and hugged me.

"I'm just so scared that he's gonna hurt you again.." She said.

"It's okay. He won't hurt me anymore." I said and pulled away from the hug.

"And I have a boyfriend, so yeah, what's the deal with him anyway." I said and laughed.

"I'm glad you're happy again honey." My mum said and kissed my forehead.

"I'm just gonna go to my room okay?" I said and walked upstairs.

"Okay, dinner is ready in an hour." She yelled.

"Okay!" I shouted back downstairs before heading towards my room.

"This is such a weird day." I said and laid in bed and slowly drifted away.

Ashlyn's POV


"Isn't it tonight, we are young from fun?" James asked.

"I DON'T CAREEEE!! I LOVE ITTTT!!" Me and the girls sang back.

"Jesus we're drunk." Brad laughed.

"Maybe a bit." I smirked and kissed him.

The kiss was getting a bit heated so of course someone has to interrupt it.

"Okay screw it. No hanky panky tonight. Otherwise it's gonna be a threesome." Tristan said smirking and sat next to me.

"Oh, never mind." I said and pulled away from the kiss.

"Ayee, I'm in for a threesome!!" Brad said and wanted to kiss me again.

"Brad.." I said and pushed him away and laughed.

"Come on, give me one more kiss." He said and came closer.

"Gosh you're drunk." I said and walked to the kitchen.

After a few minutes Chloe came into the kitchen.

"Hey bubs." She said and grabbed a glass from the counter.

"Aye whats up, having fun?" I said and sat on the dinner table.

"Yeah totally, I'm probably fucking wasted." She said and poured some wine in her glass.

"Yeah I guess so." I said and laughed.

"Well, I'm heading back to the: PARTYYYYY!!!" She said and yelled the last word extremely loud.

"Byeee." I waved and drunk some water.

"Well hello hello." I looked to my right and saw a smirking Brad standing in the door.

"Hi." I said and put the glass down.

"So.. Why are you sitting here alone?" He said and came closer.

"I just wanted to drink something." I said and pointed at the glass next to me.

"Ah okay." He said and came a little bit more closer.

"I just wanted to go back to the liv-" I couldn't even finish my sentence, cause Brad already crashed his lips on mine.

He rubbed circles on my thighs and his hands came higher and higher.

"Brad.. Stop.." I said and pushed him carefully away.

"What's wrong?" He said and kissed my neck.

"Oh so you think, having sex on your dinner table in your house while everybody is in the living room, a good idea?" I said smirking.

"Well.. Yeah.." He said and sucked at my skin.

"Brad, seriously stop." I said. But it was too late. I already knew he left a few hickeys.

"God damn it." I said and walked to a mirror in the living room.

"BRAD!!" I yelled and he walked in the room and stood behind me with his arms around my waist.

"What's wrong my love." He said smirking.

"This." I said and pointed at the hickeys in my neck.

"Oops." He said and walked away.

"Gosh.." I said and walked to Shanaya.

"So.. What's wrong with your neck." She said and smirked. I showed her the marks and she laughed.

"Damn girl, he had you good." She smirked.

"Jesus, this is pretty embarrassing. They aren't the smallest hickeys and I bet they're staying there for more then a week." I said and tried to cover them.

"Don't cover them, they're sexy." Connor said and kissed Shay on the cheek.

"You cheeky bastard." I said and sat down next to Megan.

"Let's stop drinking, we're already wasted. Just stop before we're doing things we're gonna regret you know.." Megan said, and I already knew that she wasn't as drunk as us.

"Yeah you're right. Let's play a few more games and then watch movies or go to bed or something." I said.

"So movie night?" She asked.

"Yesss movie night!!!" We all yelled and laughed.


Lol rubbish chapter but idc!



El : @lovinglybrad :)

Okay bye x

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